HOGWART'S LEGACY 002B - 50 Min / Alistra Blackcloak - Trip to Hogsmeade

1 month ago

When you get a new game over Christmas, one should at least try it, right?

This #gameplay is my second login to #HogwartsLegacy. We follow a character named Alistra Blackcloak, a #Hogwarts student intended for #Slytherin House. The gameplay involves her attending Charms class, Defense the Dark Arts class, and a trip to Hogsmeade to buy school supplies. She also seems to have budding romance with a fellow Slytherin named Sebastian Sallow.

I have no clue about any long-term consequences for her dialogue choices. Does her choice of wand materials matter? We'll find out!

The game continues to feel greatly immersive. I'm enjoying the story, but the game is quite slow-paced in this part. I look forward to more combat!

#HogwartsLegacy #Gamelay #JKRowling #WZ #RTX4070

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