Very Unique Approach To Stop Bullying

6 years ago

Generations Against Bullying (GAB) is a unique non-profit anti-bully organization that has a program to stop bullying within 10 seconds 85% of the time. Bullying doesn’t occur in front of administrators, counselors, or teachers, it occurs in front of students. Students don’t like to witness bullying but don’t know what to do about it. Joining us to discuss their approach and how to make kids "upstanders" are Linda Lee and James Dean from GAB. GAB is hosting a fundraiser on Sunday, November 18 at Kelly's Bleachers in Big Bend. It's their Deer Hunter Widow's Bash from 1pm to 5pm. For more information, visit

This is a topic that impacts millions upon millions of people every day. The conversation around bullying used to mainly center around school age children and school locations, but we now know that bullying is a problem across all ages and all fields. The organization discussed in this video is trying to find ways to fight bullying in fresh, new ways.

As one of the hostesses states, a common belief is that bullying “happens to everyone, and they should just get over it,” but even this hostess states that she has come to see how wrong that mindset actually is. Bullying effects are more than just confined to the actual incident; people are affected by bullying in all areas in their lives. It can carry through someone’s life as it degrades and breaks down their confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Yes, we do often see this in school age children, but it affects young adults, middle aged adults, and senior citizens all the same. This is a worldwide problem that is prevalent in every culture we encounter.

Generations Against Bullying (GAB) is a unique non-profit anti-bully organization that has a program to stop bullying within 10 seconds 85% of the time. Bullying doesn’t occur in front of administrators, counselors, or teachers, it occurs in front of students. Students don’t like to witness bullying but don’t know what to do about it. Joining us to discuss their approach and how to make kids "upstanders" are Linda Lee and James Dean from GAB. GAB is hosting a fundraiser on Sunday, November 18 at Kelly's Bleachers in Big Bend. It's their Deer Hunter Widow's Bash from 1pm to 5pm. For more information, visit

Unfortunately, many people do not recognize the signs and effects that bullying has had on someone’s life until it is too late. Children and adults are commonly driven to suicide because of these encounters, paying the ultimate price. As stated in the video, kids will most of the time say something and step up to try to stop bullying, but only IF they know what to say! This organization is all about trying to get this message out and teach people exactly how to do this. They have a program with “peer ambassadors” that teaches children to have their own self-worth to have the courage to stand up and say something when they see bullying happening. The gentleman in this video says that one of the avenues a child can take to stop bullying when they see it is as simple as taking the victim and leading them away from the situation. This is a very easy thing to do, and it works! The child literally just has to say, “Hey, I need to talk to you about something,” and they take the bullying victim elsewhere, out of the line of fire. This stance is extremely effective, and it solves a lot of issues with kids not feeling like they have the courage to do something to stop bullying when they see it.

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