#120 BoomzMike

1 month ago

Grand rising fellow Spons! Heroes assemble!!!! For in this week's episode we have youtuber and truck driver Mike aka BoomzMike on the episode! His content is a variety of streaming games from GTA, NFL, Horror, and other genres. In this episode we talk about Mike's journey starting his content creation back in 2011 posting his first video to now with 32k+ subscribers and how it is still fun as it is was since day one for him; what content creators inspired him to jump into youtube such as Vanossgaming. Other topics we talk about is his marriage, some nerd talk about the Marvel universe/multiverse, his experience growing the channel/goals, a paranormal experience Mike had and much more!
As always thanks for the supporting the podcast! Go check out the Sponcast T-shirts and cop yourself or your grandma one!
Most importantly go support my guest down below anyway you can!!!

website : https://linktr.ee/BoomzMike
Instagram : @boomz_mike

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