Sodom and Gomorrah Have Been Found❗

1 month ago

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The biblical sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were lost, but now they're found! In fact, they were actually rediscovered decades ago. Yet for some strange reason, no one is talking about it. But why?

Is it an archaeological cover-up because the LGBT community and the leftists who control the scientific and archaeological world are Godless atheists and satanists and want to discredit the Bible? That certainly seems to be the case.

If the common consensus suddenly becomes that the Bible is proven true, then that acknowledgment would shake the scientific and archaeological world to its core.

All the lies we've been taught and the liars who've been teaching them would in an instant be exposed for the frauds they truly are. It's not a secret that the scientific and archaeological worlds have an agenda. Part of that agenda is to hide the truth. The people covering up what is in favor of what they want things to be are living a lie and only hurting themselves both here and in the hereafter.

CONTEXT: Sodom and Gomorrah, along with the cities of Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar (Bela), constituted the five “cities of the plain,” and they are referenced throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

For the record, the Bible does not say that Lot's wife was buried after turning into a pillar of salt; the text in Genesis 19:26 simply states that "she became a pillar of salt" when she looked back at Sodom, indicating that she was transformed into a salt pillar (not a mountain) without any mention of burial afterwards. The salt formation of Lot's wife can be seen on Mount Sodom but it is NOT the mountain itself. When Lot's wife longed and lingered, she stopped and looked back toward Sodom in an act of disobedience. Then, she became calcified and stuck, frozen in time. Salt can indirectly contribute to calcification by increasing sodium excretion. In Lot's wife's case, she literally became salt.

Science would try to tell you that this is a mythical event with no plausible explanation, as humans cannot physically transform into salt. They'd tell you the story is interpreted as a symbolic representation of her attachment to her old life and the consequences of disobedience only. But it is not just that. It is that and more. It actually happened.

Science is merely the study of the world around us. They are behind the times and don't entirely know what is possible or not because scientists are always learning and never accepting God. One thing they would benefit from learning most is that the Bible says in Matthew 19:26 ..."With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

Scientists would have you believe the concept of a creator who made ALL things is impossible too. But what do they know. Numerous scriptures in the Bible make it clear that God knows everything.

Isaiah 46:10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’

1 John 3:20 in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

Psalm 139:4 Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O Lord, You know it all.

So, who are you going to believe God and the substantiated evidence presented in this video that proves Him and this story as true, or the devil's advocates in the scientific and archaeological communities whose on bias eternally blinds them to that said truth.

Jesus said in John 14:6 ...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. He didn't say no man cometh unto the Father, but by SCIENTISTS or ARCHAEOLOGISTS, especially not by ones who refuse to accept the truth.


1. Sodom and Gomorrah PROOF (God leaves EXAMPLE for all GENERATIONS) -
2. Ron Wyatt Discoveries [2022] Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt Sinai, Noah's Ark, Blood of Christ - (See the SODOM AND GOMORRAH section of this sourced video link's description to obtain additional sources)
3. Sulfur Balls of Sodom and Gomorrah -
4. Ron Wyatt discusses Sodom and Gomorrah Discovery- Some Never Before Seen Footage -
5. Sodom And Gomorrah - Real Place || Lot's Wife Pillar Of Salt -

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