“When Satan Appears As An Angel of Light” - Part 2 (Psychology & the Evangelical Church)

6 days ago

As we delve into the subject of Psychology and in particular Psychotherapy, certain things must be considered – especially as it concerns the deceptions of the enemy and the deadly delusions he is employing in this critical hour in the earth. So what must we know in order to understand how something that presents itself as an answer to man’s mental and emotional struggles can be so dangerous?

In the benign sense within the natural arena, and according to numerous scientific studies, it rarely works – and then only superficially with the known potential to actually do much harm. From a Biblical perspective, it is an antichristian, religious counterfeit that has been orchestrated by the “god” of this world. And both conclusions will become quite apparent as we proceed in this message.

Given the significant influence it has had on the Church, the psychological way – compared to the Biblical way – should be an issue of critical concern for all those who believe and hold to the unadulterated Word of God as their authority – and that it is completely sufficient for “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).

And so, let us listen – let us learn – and let us continue to contend for true Faith

which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 1:3

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