Race-Baiters never seem to have a problem getting airtime on UK Tell-a-Vision

1 month ago

A race-baiting racist woman who is NEVER short of a spot on the zionist controlled mockingbird media, I wonder why?. Her wikipedia page gives an insight into her. She has been doing this race-baiting for years as have many more antagonists, and ironically many have OBE's etc, anyone awake knows you get those gongs if you sing to the tune of the pied piper. Who runs the UK (or did do)? The the zionist Rothschilds, and the Vatican. The politicians are almost all compromised by financial corruption, money laundering, pedophilia, and so on. Of course the cabal has already fallen, but these people are so ignorant and arrogant that they do not grasp the fact that their funders and supporters are long gone. She came to the UK in 1972, I lived in the Middle East for 12 years and I did not go there and start trying to change their culture, nor did I publicly criticise their culture....sure I did not align with some parts of their culture but it is what it is and if I did not like it there was nobody stopping me from getting the next flight out. It's funny how this woman came from Uganda, hardly a stable nation in 1972 and yet the British zionists were heavily involved in crimes in Africa and yet she happily accepted her OBE? Why is that? But like so many others, it's not long before they start to cause trouble and the rot sets in. The UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand make up the "Five Eyes" and for many years the zionists were behind the mass immigration to the UK and Mainland Europe. Cultural Marxism has been indoctrinated into the minds of the people, none more so that gullible liberals who since the ancient Gnostics have been regarded as autonatoms, robot-like, they were called "Hylics". 2020 saw the worldwide attempt of forcing in worldwide communism on the back of genocide, crimes against humanity, land seizure, and food control, famine usually follows. The seeds of cultural marxism were sewn in all schools, colleges, and universities, with the two marxist trojan horses BLM, and LGBTQXYZ++++. The funny part of all this is these race-baiting people have all been caught, because they all left footprints and they have no idea what is coming next. USSF and AI will have already followed the money into the insane number of NGO's, the money laundering, the racial antagonists, the pedophiles, and so many more evil, Godless, Soulless entities. I wonder if this woman was a supported of the Covid vaccine? I can't be bothered to look but those still getting airtime on TV will only do so if they tow the line. The UK is one of the least racist countries on the planet, in terms of the general public, but the establishment that she aligns with are some of the most racist, satanic zionist communists on the planet, but she prefers to attack white Brits. The British people have been a victim of their own Government for centuries, their liberties slowly but surely eaten away and zionist controlled agitators got more airtime to the point where the zionists who created the bullsh!t "anti-semite" law later used the same weapon against anyone who uttered a word about mass uncontrolled immigration and all things DEI....and that was "Hate Crime Laws", which NEVER apply to anyone who hurls hate towards whites, or Christians, or straight folk. The patterns are so damn obvious that there are many people living in the UK, of all skin colours, genders, sexualities, and faiths who are awake enough to see the cultural marxism is a tool of the satanic zionists and the Freemasons who are the jackboots of the Jesuit controlled satanic infested Vatican. The good people of this world will soon learn that this planet was a Slave Planet, where our Children and Babies were the food source for the Elite and the "others". Soon the world will enter an exciting clean up phase, where the Godless, the Soulless, the low vibrational dark entities get their judgement day.

The meek shall inherit the Earth.


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