BumFights - Breaking Into Cars

1 month ago

Bumfights is an American video series produced by Indecline Films, featuring primarily high school students and homeless men performing stunts and fighting. The series was first released in 2002 and quickly received widespread criticism. Notable participants included Rufus Hannah and Donnie Brennan, who were paid to perform dangerous stunts and fights. The series was banned in the UK and faced legal action, with the filmmakers eventually surrendering rights to produce any more Bumfights videos or distribute them.

The series is controversial due to its portrayal of homeless individuals and the exploitation involved. Advocacy groups and media personalities criticized the videos for dehumanizing the homeless and promoting violence. Despite the backlash, the first DVD reportedly sold 250,000 copies.

Rufus Hannah, one of the participants, later became an advocate for homeless rights and wrote a book detailing his experiences. He testified in criminal trials against the producers of Bumfights and worked to raise awareness about homelessness.

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