Don’t tell me God isn’t real! From this girl to a new creation

1 month ago

Don’t tell me God isn’t real. He took this broken vessel and transformed my life forever. I will shout his name loud and proud because whatever the devil is telling you is a lie. You are worth more than rubies and gold. You are made in God’s image and you are blessed and highly favored. Nothing and no one is too big for God. If you are being abused, scared to speak there is help. Cry out to the Lord and ask Him how. He will lead you out. If he did it for me, he will do it for you! All my love, #Kaya

Oh and P.S. He gave me a Grammy for roots gospel. On my first ever song for Him. There’s nothing too big He cannot do. You want to win ask Him and fight for it. You will. You can. Believe it!

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