Democrats DoubleDown on Stupidity, Anti-Americanism, and Plain Bad Policy

1 month ago

Democrats DoubleDown on Stupidity, Anti-Americanism, and Plain Bad Policy.

Grooming isn't just about sex, schools and little kids. David Hogg was also groomed: David Hogg was a crying sniveling fool, groomed by Democrats since before his graduation, to be a radical anti-gun anti-constitution Beta-Marxist robot. And now he has taken his place at the DNC. Democrats are truly "Stuck on Stupid"

Mentioned in the video:

In 2019 the U.S. unemployment rate falls to 50-year low


Rep. Hank Johnson worried that Guam could tip over and capsize

#DavidHogg #Democrats #Grooming #DNC #Guns #2A #NRA #secondamendment

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