Zundel Trial: Arnold Friedman who was at Auschwitz, testified he "saw prisoners marched towards the gas chambers & saw smoke & flames rise from the chimney"

1 month ago

Upon cross examination, he stated he "never actually witnessed any mass executions or gassings."
Thumbnail Pic to this video is the Jewish World Almanac which shows in 1933 there were 15.3 million Jews living world wide & in 1948 there were 15.7 Million Jews living World Wide. I can't see to find the 6-Million missing in those numbers?

And this is what happens when you get any of these so called "HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS" you have seen on all those shows & documentaries, into a COURT OF LAW where what they believed turns out to be just a regular day in a German Labor Camp for enemies of Germany during WW2. This is where the stupid SOAP MYTH came from as well. Over active Jewish imaginations!
The main camp deaths were from TYPHUS & at the end of the war when the allies cut off strategic supply lines to the Germans in 1944/1945 food became RATIONED where regular Germans would get access & Prisoners in work camps got less calories & some starvation deaths.

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