What is Lean Supply Chain Management? Key Features,Types and Mechanism.

7 days ago

Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM) is a strategic approach that focuses on optimizing the flow of materials, information, and resources throughout the supply chain to minimize waste and increase efficiency.

So, what is lean supply chain? It's about streamlining operations by eliminating non-value-added activities, reducing inventory, and ensuring that each step adds value to the final product.

Lean supply chain examples include practices like just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems,

where materials are only delivered when needed, or Kaizen, which emphasizes continuous improvement.

To truly learn management supply chain with a lean approach, businesses focus on collaboration, faster decision-making, and improved responsiveness to customer demand.

For complete lecture on Lean Supply Chain Management, and for more lectures on Supply Chain and Logistics visit: https://aims.education/lean-supply-chain-management/

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Certified Supply and Logistics Professional (CSLP)
Certified Supply Chain Expert (CSCE)
Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Online MBA in Supply Chain Management
PhD in Supply Chain Management

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