Matcha tea extracts can kill breast cancer stem cells.

11 days ago

Yes, matcha tea extracts can kill breast cancer stem cells by slowing down their metabolism and inhibiting their activity.
Matcha green tea (MGT) is a powdered green tea that can inhibit the spread of breast cancer stem cells.
MGT can reduce mitochondrial metabolism and glycolysis, which prevents cancer cells from "re-fueling".
MGT can also decrease the expression of estrogen receptor-β (ERβ) in breast cancer cells.
MGT can target multiple cell signaling pathways, including glycolysis and mitochondrial metabolism.
A study published in the journal Aging found that matcha extract can inhibit the spread of breast cancer stem cells.
The study used MCF7 cells as a model system to investigate the potential therapeutic effects of MGT.
The study found that MGT effectively inhibited the propagation of CSCs.
There is still no definite evidence to prove the positive effect of matcha on cancer.
Further clinical experiments are needed to determine if matcha can be used to treat breast cancer.

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