Shepherding People

1 month ago

Shepherding People

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Jeremiah 3:15

Recently our church was invited by “Revive” church in Missoula to join them in a special meeting - a teaching time to help those who are actively involved with helping / shepherding people to a special training time to help us do better where we have given our life to.

So about 15 of us joined their group of about 100 people for Friday night, and Saturday morning and afternoon.

Some of the main teaching is that shepherding in the Bible is a major topic.
In short, it’s where someone helps others around them.

Ver.15 the word “shepherds” – comes from the Hebrew word “ra`ah.”
It shows up two times in this verse. Shepherds, and feed.

Frequently in scripture, the Hebrew word for shepherding is often translated feeding.
I see through the Bible God instructing each of us to be involved with shepherding others.
How you “shepherd” someone looks different for every person and situation.

Last night after we got home, and as I was studying for today, I looked at a list of the people who make up FC, and Heatherann and I realized that as a whole, every person attached to this church actively works towards helping others around them. To show them the heart of Jesus by how they treat others and help them in their journey to find God.

This last month, we spent time talking about God’s invitation to go and fulfill His heart where you are planted.
To spend time with Him, pursuing His heart, and fulfilling what we personally know to be His will for our individual purpose.

As a pastor, what I feel God saying through all this is for me to teach how we can be more intentional in shepherding others we are already shepherding.

As pastors, it has been Heatherann and my passion to equip us with tools to find and walk in healing, freedom, and salvation (sozo).

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