Article 5252 Video - International Public Notice: Scams for 160 Years By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5252 Video - International Public Notice: Scams for 160 Years - Sunday, February 2, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

When the Brits and their Roman collaborators set up the debt-credit system they were very ingenious, even diabolical.

Even though they had a long pre-established relationship in which the Pope gets a 60% cut of their joint business receipts, for the purposes of their activities after the so-called American Civil War, they took a circuitous route to the same result.

The Holy Roman Empire's immediate Successor to Contract operating under The Constitution of the United States sided with the Southern Confederacy in the Mercenary Conflict we have been taught to misidentify as a Civil War. The officers of the United States Company and the Federal Civil Service personnel therefore fought for the South and were identified as Enemy Combatants by the triumphant British-affiliated Union Army.

Upon Lee's Surrender and the ensuing Armistice, the Brits lost no time in collecting "war reparations" from the Southern States and people, even though this was not a war and even though their States of the Union never went to war.

To expedite this process of asset extraction from the losers, the Union Army Officers that Lincoln left in charge set up a series of Military Districts covering the occupied territory of eleven Southern States and new "District" Courts. These "courts" became famous for their predatory asset-stripping and injustice and were known as "Carpetbagger Courts", as the jurists hired to run them all came from the Northern States and ran these courts as a means to extract war reparations from the South.

The Fourteenth (By-Law) Amendment to a hastily concocted new Constitution for a new Scottish Commercial Corporation calling itself The United States of America (Incorporated) expedited this process by declaring all "criminals" to be slaves, all "citizens of the United States" were already declared criminals, therefore slaves, and the debts of the company they worked for "the United States" (Company) could not "be questioned" under this infinitely self-serving and deceptive Amendment attached to an equally self-serving and deceptive Corporate Constitution.

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