Make Ur A Silver 223 2 The Upside Down Triangle 2 & Don't Say Pointy Headed Fake "WHOO" Cut Yep!

1 month ago

Here's another one your CIA pointy headed masters shall love i'm [Q]uite sure rumble live monitors! let's fkn do ur creatures!

And for sure all you CIA, CSIS, 5 eyes demon creatures, there's another title i never saw coming either nope!

As i said in the last one i'm just trying to get rid of some data here and backing up before i attempt to catch the s0r0s/g8tes CIA puppet tool pavlovski over at rumble here!

enclosed are the PDF's mentioned in this video linked below_

This incomplete (thanx to more tech issues) PDF is related to emails with Missanabie Cree 223 and shall be expanded on with new Todd Callender Suits, and more on rumble shaftings to Laura Eisenhower to come as well!

More rumble Complicit, Eisenhower Blocks With Some Skunk Buddies Why Not!

The below link regarding the 5G Lawsuits i am including here now as well as it ties everything in with the many people the DS have turned on me from the Six nations elders, to more recently the thief helen walsh creature that turned on me too, as well ripped me off for over $10,000. It also goes to the larger issue that affects us all globally as without the satanic chimera DARPA grid none of this luciferian nano garbage (that is in us all now, vaxxed or not) wouldn’t work! It also would help explain the massive brainwashing most suffer from and one of the main reasons most are just sitting there with their tongues hanging out slowly being slaughtered waiting for “god” to win, or are otherwise in positions of authority that still would rather be complicit in GLOBAL DEMOCIDE AND HIGH TREASON rather than doing their bloody jobs for once! The fact this all started with me and the CJay 92.1 Fm radio contest (owned by BELL Media LLC) when Annette Marie was taken going to vital statistics Canada in 2019 also goes to motive for the subsequent events that happened in the “Bell” city (Brantford Ontario) more recently where i was robbed multiple times (including by Brantford Police Service, Six nations chief and council thugs) after becoming homeless from the elders in Six Nations (whom are directly related to the chief) more recently!

The fact i went from long black hair to the middle of my back and hardly any gray hairs to having all my hair fried off in unnatural ways to pretty much white now is without a doubt proof they have used energy weapons against me as well, never mind other tactics to hinder my emotional state this whole time!... Continued in PDF below_

Emails with Missanabie Cree 223 - Northern connections expanded to Greenland

This PDF is a mash of posts with links to the satanic CIA [X] front all things the orange tool puppet with his string pulling masters from “Is Ra El”, as well other recent posts tying into the video linked below! As well let's see if we can catch the s0r0s/g8tes CIA rumble puppet chris pavlovski that loves to help the government of Canada obstruct justice and finish me off here!

Don't forget if your going to take a shot be sure to make ur a silver 223 2 the upside down triangle you demon creatures why the fk not!

Boyd Anderson info, satanic orange tool and CIA puppet jackmusk 2.o fun!

This PDF contains information and evidence of the orange tool puppet connections to the saudis that is just as relevant today as it ever was as the same garbage is set to invest billions into “new” smart server installations courtesy of the satanic orange tool puppet trump! As well information and links to the subsequent CIA/ 5 eyes disinfo agent Ashton Forbes that is now trying to distract and deflect from the truth using a “UFO” scam op!

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