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Dr David E. Martin - Interviewed by Graham Hood & John Latter - PART ONE
23 January 2025, David Martin was interviewed LIVE by "Club Grubbery" Founders, Graham Hood and John Latter. This interview is HUGE because David outlines the path we MUST take if we want to pursue justice AND get justice, on all things Covid-19.
Here is the transcript of Part ONE.
Graham: Well, hi, everybody. It's, Hoodie back with John Larter again for a much-awaited Club Grubbery episode. John, great to see you back on.
John: Thanks, Hoodie. Great to be back. And, it's a really great interview today.
Graham: It is a big one, and you can tell it's a big one because we're wearing our ties. I was gonna put a bow tie on David Martin, but I didn't want to, I didn't want you to think I was what we call in Australia taking the Mickey out of you.
David Martin: Yeah. Well, Kim would say taking the piss, but, yes, we understand.
Graham: That's right. So, look, it's great to have you on. A lot of people have been saying, when can you get David Martin on? And, and, well, here you are. And I think it's really timely that we've got you on the day after two monumental things happened with health in America with the Trump inauguration. First, you have, US pulling out of a WHO. How good is that? And secondly, and coincident with that was Biden's pardon that why … do you pardon somebody unless they've committed a crime? He pardoned Anthony Fauci.
David Martin: Yeah. What a brilliant move.
Graham: So tell us … look, before we go into everything else and unpack your background and everything, tell us how that feels for you and what that looks like for you.
David Martin: Well, you know, it's been funny. I've been on a lot of interviews in the last 24 hours about this, and I keep telling people this is a day to celebrate because Biden made a terrible tactical mistake in the big, long march to justice in this topic. You know, under Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of our Constitution, the President has the right to issue pardons, but there's an exception to what can be pardoned, and the exception is you cannot pardon an impeachable offense. Tiny little detail that nobody bothers to read. I mean, they read the constitution cliff notes that they get on Wikipedia, but they don't actually read the constitution, because if they did, they'd find out that that it turns out, that under the Edmund ruling in the Supreme Court, Edmond v US, principal officers of federal agencies are subject to impeachment not only during their employment but during their retirement as well. So, the great thing is this particular pardon has no bearing on an impeachable offense and the senate today, if it wanted to, could institute articles of impeachment against Anthony Fauci for which he would actually ultimately be held liable. And why would that be important? Well, it'd be important because on 5 occasions, he has perjured himself in front of congress where he has said he did not do gain of function research despite the fact that in October of 2014, in a letter written from NIAID to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, he specifically says Ralph Barric’ s work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1, LISTEN to what I just said … in 2014, the work with the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY VIRUS ONE … does that cause anybody a little tiny tadpole of concern? That, in 2014 he was weaponizing the Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1 by name, in 2014. And it was so egregious that not only did he have to send a waiver letter to UNC Chapel Hill saying you can keep doing the gain of function research. He added that you could do it “in vivo”, meaning you could put it in living systems, and he did one extra little detail which is … he acknowledged that it was in violation of the gain of function moratorium. What makes all of this helpful is that the pardon that Joe Biden gave him is effective June of 2014. There are some people that say it could go to January of 2014 depending on what you read, but the great news is Ralph Barri and that project and NIAID's funding for the project started are you ready for this? In 2013! Which means the crime that led to the terrorism that led to the world shutting down is not subject to the pardon. So, whether we go down the pathway of the impeachable offense argument with the United States Senate, whether we go down the pathway of the racketeering leading to domestic terrorism, leading to global murder, the fact of the matter is this pardon is an admission of guilt of a crime according to the Burdick Principle laid down in 1915 … It's an admission of the guilt for the crime. It is its acceptance is tantamount to are you ready for this? The admission and acceptance of a confession. That's what it actually says in the Burdick ruling in 1915. So, the great news is this is a terrible day to be Bill Gates. This is a terrible day to be Jeremy Farrar at the Welcome Trust. This is a terrible day to be part of the CDC Foundation or the illegal foundations that run around the CDC or World Health Organization or any of these others. It's a terrible day to be part of the global preparedness monitoring board at the World Health Organization, which is a racketeering criminal conspirator group that's been in place since 1950’s for the sole purpose of weaponizing nature against humanity. It's a bad day for all of them because now we've got an admission of guilt of the senior board member and orchestrator of this global terror campaign. So, does Dave Martin feel like this is a tough day to be alive? Heck no. We got more weapons in our arsenal in the last 24 hours than we had in the last 4 years.
Graham: Before we go any further into this, we're gonna unpack your story a little to back up, the foundation underneath underscoring what you're saying. But I wanna say this to our audience. The material you'll be presented with today is compelling, and it will be very troubling to you. And some of you are aware of David Martin's presentations. I just watched his presentation to the European Union, and it's staggering. But I we all need to take this into perspective because if we if we go applying these things and running off half cocked, we can get into all kinds of trouble. So, the definition of wisdom in this case is going to be knowledge and proper application of what you're learning.
David Martin: That's exactly right. And, Graham, I'd like to add one more thing.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Every single thing I say, I will give you the reference. Look it up.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Look it up. The date, the author, the case, the precedent. Look it up. Don't ever take a word I say literally. Go and look it up. Be an independent consumer of information. My job is to convey information. Your job is to go and verify it and then come to your conclusions because that's empowering people. That's what freedom of speech is about. Freedom of speech is not being the loudest voice in the room. You're exactly right, Graham. This is about taking the responsibility to get this information. This is not about beliefs. This is not about persuasion. This is about facts. So, what I wanna say to you all is that I have looked at some of these references and I find this information, as compelling as it can be for me to make the following statement. After years in this fight, after trying to stay in our lane, after trying to make sure that we end mandates, that we keep our borders open, that we protect our children from being vaccinated against the will of their parents, that we want everyone to be reinstated to their former positions with full compensation, and we need a royal commission or better still, a Nuremberg 2.0 to uncover this. And, I think it needs to even go far beyond that. I am convinced that we are dealing with a biological warfare incident. Absolutely. That has been staged and well managed for a long time. Now I don't consider myself a nut job. I like to do risk benefit analysis, but sometimes you've just got to identify the elephant in the room, and we can't keep skirting around it. So, David, we're going to hear some information from you today, which will open a lot of minds. I think it's fair to say, John, that our program seems to strike a chord on the cusp of people who are waking up, because we try to keep it real, we try to keep it rational, and we try to keep the whole thing centred on what people can accept.
David Martin: Yeah.
Graham: And I think we're at a point in history now with what's happening in America that we can start calling this stuff for what it is. So, David Martin, first of all, unpack your story for us. How did you get to this position?
David Martin: Well, a lot of people ask when did you wake up or when did you get the red pill or whatever and the answer is, for this, and this troubles a lot of people … but as a teenager, I grew up hand milking cows on a Mennonite farm in Pennsylvania. So I know bullshit from a long way away and I know the difference between truth and reality because when you're at the business end of a cow at 4 o'clock in the morning when your hands are freezing and it's minus 10 or minus 15 outside, you know what reality is and you know what shit is, and it's important to know the difference. And, unfortunately a lot of people don't understand that. But I come by this slightly through a very unusual path and, Graham … I'm gonna, you know, address another elephant in the room while we get on this. My mother's father was a very high society lawyer in Washington DC. His father was also very influential in Washington DC. In fact, his father was around back in the early part of the 1900s when a little organization called the Federal Reserve was being born. I actually have in my possession my great grandfather's medallion which was given to him for his role in helping establish a number of the federal agencies at the turn of the last century, so in the early 1900s. Ironically, both of them were Masons. In fact, very high in the organization. And ironically, because of choices my mother made about her faith, she decided to distance herself from her father and his tradition, and as a result of that broke what was a long lineage of Masonic tradition in my family. It's fascinating when people look at the logo of my company, MCAM, and they go, oh my gosh, it's a masonic symbol. Well, the truth is it isn't. In fact, it is inspired off of the imagery that the Masons actually used several hundred years ago to come up with some of their symbols. But if you look very carefully at the logo itself, what you find is that the logo is comprised of the binding angles of oxygen and hydrogen that are binding angles to create water. And the other angles on the logo are the logo angles of the combination of the way carbon and oxygen and hydrogen get together to make glucose. Our logo is in fact the map of the river of life and the water of life. If you have a problem with it, I hate to break it to you … you have a problem with the God that created everything. That's your problem, not mine. Because he's the one that created the 121-degree binding angle and he's the one that created everything else, so just get this straight. Every image can be corrupted. A lot of images are. Every word can be corrupted. A lot of words are. And what we're gonna talk about over the next couple hours here is the corruption of language and the corruption of images and the corruption of public policy and the corruption of public policy and the corruption of terms like “vaccine” and “health” and everything else. And the fact of the matter is this is a perfect place to start. Because, when I was actually a young man in the mid 1980s, I went down to Central America during the Iran Contra conflict and I worked on the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua and I worked very closely with refugees and I worked very closely with trying to do investigations into what became what everyone knows as the Iran Contra Scandal of the 1980s. And, it was during that period of time that a number of people in the United States government figured out that I had some very unique abilities to get into places and get out of places and make differences and find information and do all those kinds of things when I'm in those locations. Not surprisingly, the United States Government and several other governments, including by the way the Government of Australia, took advantage of my skills across the past three decades for a whole host of things. A lot of people don't know that I was actually part of the author of what was called the Australia Law Reform Commission, and I was working in Australia two decades ago coming up with the legal reforms to actually modernize Australia into a commercial economy, rather than only a mining economy. So, I've been around Australia a long time and I once upon a time was a friend, and are you ready for this? A friend of REAL Prime Ministers who actually, really cared about the country of Australia. I know. That really happened. It's like talking about the dinosaurs. Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there were actually people who actually saw public service as an honest and honourable role. That day has long gone, but thankfully it's coming back. But the fact of the matter is I spent a lot of time in Sydney and Canberra and Melbourne and other places where I was part of the Australia Law Reform Commission as part of my work for Australia. I also worked with Pacific Island Forum Secretariat and worked with the development of a number of cross border interests, and there's a little artifact since you brought up this that I just thought I'd show everybody. This this artifact is actually quite important. Let's see if we can get really close on that. If you're not familiar with Farsi, most people aren't. This is actually the medallion that was given to me by the president of Iran. It's on a very particular day, March 25th 26th of 2005. Now, why is this particular plaque so stinking important for this conversation? Well, first of all … it's because in 2001, in September of 2001, when the United States government did its first effort to use a biological warfare agent against its civilian population in the form of Anthrax, I was asked by Chuck Schumer and members of Congress to look at how we could bust that investigation open and figure out why it was that in May of 2001, prior to the September Anthrax outbreaks, why the United States army bought 300,000,000 doses of Ciprofloxacin from Bayer? Graham and John, I don't know if you know, but we didn't have a giant hide tanning summer that year. We weren't out shooting buffalos and deer and exposing ourselves to hides, which is where you get toxins like Anthrax. There was no great buffalo hunt of the summer of 2001. I don't know if you know that. I know you live down under. You probably had a giant kangaroo hunt that year, but we did not have a giant buffalo or deer hunt or anything else. And, we didn't need 300,000,000 doses of Ciprofloxacin, which is a drug that we had not used in the United States, enmasse … for any reason whatsoever, but it turns out we did need it, because we knew we were going to unleash a biological weapon in September. Now, I can tell you how unpopular I was when I pointed out that the reason why we were doing that was to justify what became known as the Prep Act in the United States. And in 2005 when President Bush signed the Prep Act, which is the pan the whole thing where you get the adult version of the National Childhood Vaccine Protections for manufacturers of vaccines, the whole reason they got that liability protection was because they conducted a terror campaign in the form of Anthrax to get the public to accept that biological weapons need to be counter-measured. That's why we did it. In 2002, because of the work that my company does on intellectual property intangible assets, one of the reasons why I worked with the government Australia, in 2002 … we were alerted to the fact that the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill had filed a patent on what was called an infectious, replication defective clone of coronavirus. That was 2,002. John and Graham, I've got some bad news for you. That was the year before SARS 1.0. Now I'm gonna ask you a simple question. We've been through the human condition for, I don't know … thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years? I don't know. How is it that University of North Carolina Chapel Hill files a patent on an infectious replication defective clone that they targeted to hit human lung and epithelial cells of the lung and of the heart? Why is it that they patented it in 2002 and we had an outbreak in 2003? Now are you willing to believe that that was just nature happening the way nature happens? That nature conveniently read a application and decided to mutate a gene so that it could become something that was patented the year before. If you really wanna believe that, ladies and gentlemen, you have I don't know. You have a swamp in the northern territory that you should go swimming in with some saltwater crocs and see how that works out for you. It's not a good idea to actually think that nature read a patent in 2002 and then made the thing in 2003. What makes it even more problematic is that in 2003, the CDC filed a patent on the Chinese genetic sequence of what they called SARS isolated from humans and one day later, guys, one day later and remember … this is once upon a time in a land, far, far away, this was done with typewriters, not computers. We didn't have word processors. It's important to realize that the day after the CDC filed a patent on the gene sequence, a company that sits right next door to the FDA, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, filed a patent on the vaccine for the thing that had been discovered one day earlier.
Graham: My goodness.
David Martin: Guys, the reason why this is important is because I've been briefing this. I've been briefing this for years, and the reason why I brought this plaque into being is a lot of people have said, well, yeah, Dave. When did you really start knowing this? Well, it turns out I was in Tehran at the request of President Khatami for the Biologic Engineering Conference in Tehran. I was sent there as a special envoy by President Bush and by our law enforcement intelligence services. And I was sent there to both give a speech but also to find out what other biological weapons programs were happening in the world. And guess what I heard about when I was there? I heard about United States bioweapons programs on are you ready for this? Biohacking coronavirus. Biowarfare enabling technology. Graham, we don't like to use the term biological weapon. We don't like to use the term biological warfare because those are trigger words and in the diversity and inclusion world that we live in, we don't wanna use trigger words. But let's get really clear on the fact that the person who called this a biological weapon was Ralph Barric, the guy who made the weapon. So, the reason why we're calling it what it is and the reason why I'm calling the thing that happened in 2019 and 2020 a biological weapon is because the inventor of it himself called it that. Anthony Fauci called it that. And in 2019, when the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September 18th published their statement that said “there was going to be a accidental or intentional release of a lethal respiratory pathogen”. Look it up ladies and gentlemen. It's page 8 of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board document that was published by the World Health Organization, September 18, 2019. They said on page 8, there was going to be an accidental or intentional release of a lethal respiratory pathogen so that by September 2020, the world would accept the universal vaccine. And we're supposed to believe that a Bat and a Pangolin got drunk and walked into a bar in Wuhan and started making out and sneezing on people somewhere in the early weeks of December 2019 because they read that report and nature conveniently backed into a pandemic. Ladies and gentlemen, that's why I started this presentation by saying, I know which end of a cow of milk and I know what bullshit is. That's bullshit, and we need to call it what it is. The world knew it was doing this. They knew that they were gonna create a campaign of terror and they've done that now multiple times and I have been in the United States for Law Enforcement and for the White House. I have been the inspector that has actually broken stories on edible vaccines, about biological threats, about ricin poisoning, about aerosolizing anthrax, about blast resistant anthrax that can be weaponized in RPG's for crowd distribution. Do any of these things sound like public health? Do any of these sound like, you know, people just trying to help out the health of people? A rocket propelled grenade to disseminate a biological weapon, a patent held by the United States Army. Does that sound like public health to you? No. It doesn't. And it doesn't because it isn't. So to your point, we have to start calling it what it is.
Graham: John, I'll throw to you in a sec. What I wanna do is, pose a question to any of you who are looking at the material we're presenting for the first time. Perhaps you're new to this, perhaps you're waking up and you smell the rat in the cheese factory, and it's never too late. Believe me. The basic question we've been asking, politicians, media people, and, bureaucrats alike is if you thought that someone was tampering with your DNA or your immune system, would you like to know about it? It's a simple question. If you answer no to that, why are you saying no? It's like saying, I don't wanna know if my house is on fire.
David Martin: Right.
Graham: So what we're getting you with is the information that will support the our desire to have this thoroughly investigated by taking away the censorship, bringing back the people who've been banned in the last few years, people like David Martin, and let's get this thing sorted out once and for all. Johnny Latter?
John: Well, I think to put it into context that people might understand, I mean, this seems to me, David, like … it's like getting the Lotto numbers an hour before the balls drop.
David Martin: Right.
John: The, these patents. I mean, in your opinion, how certain, are you that these patents represent known technology?
David Martin: Oh, absolutely. Because what we know is that not only do the patents contain the same material that are in the scientific publications and the proceedings of National Academy of Science, but right after the alleged pandemic broke, as soon as the committee, which is called the ICTV, which is the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, which is an arm of the World Health Organization. The minute the ICTV met and by the way, people can go to our website, … they can download this. We published the hundreds of patents, John. Hundreds that had all of the sequences that the ICDV said was unique about SARS CoV 2. These were already patented. There was nothing. Let me say this very clearly. There was nothing in the publication of the ICTV that was not already published in dozens of patents and not published also in tons of proceedings in National Academy of Sciences. Now, listen. Do I think sometimes nature throws us curve balls? Absolutely. Right? Sometimes we get weird storms. Sometimes we get rogue waves. Sometimes we get weird, you know Hoodie, Hoodie knows … weird wind shears that nobody saw coming, and there it was. I'm not saying nature can't throw you a curveball, but nature does not read patent applications. Never has.
John: And in relation to Warp Speed, I mean, clearly, it was never “warp speed”. I mean, this has been a 20 year process.
David Martin: Well, it's longer than that. I hate to break it to you. It was in 1966 that the United States and Britain started collaborating on sharing versions of coronavirus samples between US and British subjects. That was 1966.1967 was the first time we actually confirmed infection where we took pathogens from one place and infected a population in another. So, that's as old as me, 1967. And then it gets a little funny because in 1990, November of 1990, Pfizer filed the very first patent on a spike protein, sorry, coronavirus vaccine. Spike protein coronavirus vaccine, November of 1990. I don't know what version of warp speed you're talking about but that's like putting molasses outside at the top of, I don't know, one of the mountains in Victoria during a middle of a snowstorm and telling me how fast that's rolling down the snowbank.
That's not warp speed. That's a snail trail on the best of days. So, this patent that was filed November of 1990 by Pfizer was specifically for a spike protein vaccine. So, are we sitting here pretending like warp speed happened? No. Come on. Let's get real. In November of 2019, according to Ralph Barric's own written admission and according to the information from Alex Azar, who was at the time the Secretary of Health and Human Services, according to both of them, the information that went into the production of what we called the vaccine for COVID was actually transferred from the Chinese and from UNC Chapel Hill in both January and November respectively. Now how is it that you could transfer the information for a vaccine from North Carolina to the vaccine research center? How could you do it before the first patient ever came down with a disease? How do you do that?
John: Can't connect.
Graham: Rat in the cheese factory, John.
John: Well, that's what it is. What it is. It's complete madness. I mean so, I suppose, David, in terms that people will understand the Omicron and Delta, when were they when were they really …
David Martin: Well, listen. I don't know if you're familiar with PCR testing, I give people the analogy that if you were to take a vacuum, you just, oh, sorry. I think Kim said that the official term in Australia is if you're gonna “Hoover” something. Right? If you’re go suck up dust bunnies in your in your lounge room, if you went and you sucked up dust bunnies in your lounge room, there's a very high probability that in that sweeper you'd find some carpet, you'd probably find some fluff from your lounge, You'd probably find something that the dog or the cat dragged in. You'd probably find a bunch of things. And if you told me, hey. Guess what? I found a fiber. Go great. What it what was it? Well, it was polyester. Okay, great. Where'd it come from? Well, the fragment that I'm looking at it out of this vacuum cleaner bag, that fragment looks like it probably came from a carpet. But the carpet is the same colour as the lounge. So is it the carpet of the lounge? Well, we don't know. The problem with the PCR is that's what it is. It's a dust bag filled with little dust bunnies. And so it turns out that if you wanna look for something, if you do enough of what's called cycle time amplification, you can find anything from anything. What we had to do is we had to create the illusion that there was something different going on. So, we create what's called phylogenetic trees and you can go back and look this up. But it turns out that if you go back and say, well, what were the variants and how did the variants get around? It was not a function of people getting sick because suddenly, mysteriously, the virus magically mutated everywhere and there was suddenly an Omicron variant. But ironically, there was no phylogenetic history that showed how it transmitted. It just got a memo one day to go, change. And then it got a memo the next day to go change. Remember what the whole objective of this was. Had nothing to do with whether there was a variant or a variant or a variant. This is a mind control propaganda campaign specifically to make the public live in terror so that they would do what? And you guys know the answer. Boy. The public would shut up, line up, and take the shot. That was the reason and everyone was in on it and everybody knows it. The reason why we have companies like Forze Marsh, the reason why you have entities all across Australia, marketing agencies and mainstream media outlets that suddenly had the same news at the same time with the same language, with the same number of case counts and the same number of anything else. Not because there were facts behind any of this. Nobody was independently verifying any of these facts. If you were told that you need n 95 respirator masks then everybody needed them. If you were told that there were 37 cases today, everybody had 37 cases today. You can go across like the Operation Mockingbird videos and you can see the number of places where the exact same number of cases, the exact same number of beds and hospitals, the exact same number of exposed patients. Every one of them is the same and you sit there going, no. Come on. Seriously. That can't be real. There's no such thing in nature. Nothing in nature happens orchestrated that way. That's a human fingerprint on a human manipulation of a human terror campaign that was orchestrated for a singular reason. And by the way, lest you think I'm hypothesizing this, Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, and Ralph Barric had the audacity in 2014 to say, “to increase the public's understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine, we need to have the media create hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”. Let me go back to that last statement. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. That statement was published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and are you seriously going to believe today that a pathogen that was isolated from Wuhan in 2013 that was subject to gain a function during the gain a function moratorium as published in the 2016 proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that says WIV 1 poised for human emergence. Are you seriously gonna tell me that all of those things happen and then accidentally, ACCIDENTALLY … there was an outbreak in Wuhan when we have hundreds of documents that show that this was weaponized from Wuhan in 2013? It's nonsense.
Graham: It is absolutely crazy. And amidst all that terminology, Dave Martin, we have another terminology that's crept into this industrial murder. “Acceptable Death Rate”. I mean, how offensive is that?
David Martin: No.
Graham: Acceptable death rate.
David Martin: Listen. When Pfizer and Moderna published memos, which by the way, if you go back to their SEC filings, and let's get really clear on this. In April of 2020, you go back to this SEC filings of, Moderna and both the SEC and the European Stock Exchange filings of BioNTech, which was the Pfizer arm of their manufacturing arm, both of them made the statement that this was an experimental gene therapy. Both of them said that. Now it is illegal in the United States, and ironically, it's illegal in all of the Commonwealth to do what's called “deceptive medical practice”, which is when you use a terminology to get the public to accept the thing when you know the thing isn't what you're saying it is. That deception is illegal. But at the very same time that the SEC filings and the European Stock Exchange filings said that this was an experimental gene therapy, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and all the mainstream media said that this was a vaccine. Let's be abundantly clear. In 2020, in April of 2020, there was only one definition of a vaccine and that definition was an agent that was actually designed to disrupt infection and transmission of a pathogen. This thing, in its clinical trials, in every country on Earth, did not even measure infection or transmission. It measured allegedly the severity of symptoms, meaning that it never was the vaccine even by the legal definition of a vaccine. It never was. It never has been. This has been deception and it's been wilful deception for the purpose of promoting an illegal agent, which is an experimental gene therapy on the public. And it turns out that just 2 years ago, the CEOs of several companies started admitting it. They actually said on the record that if the public heard that it was an experimental gene therapy, they wouldn't even volunteer to take it. So, they had to call it a vaccine. They've admitted to the crime. You know, Graham, you started this talking about a royal commission investigation. I've been around a lot of Royal commission investigations. Quite frankly, I think a lot of them are not worth the the paperweight that the book that they ultimately come up with has anything to do with. I mean, look at what they did with Cardinal Powell, look at what they've done with a lot of other. Royal Commission is another way for calling it sweeping out of the rug, which is good if you wanna run the vacuum and get the pieces to the example I gave before, but it is not actually helpful to get accountability. But the problem that we have in this particular case is that we actually have now the admission of crimes. This is an outright admission. You don't have to investigate a thing. There's no investigation. The investigation is why did the public sector … why did your Prime Minister … why did the horrible criminal Dan Andrews and I said that, the criminal Dan Andrews, and by the way, I've got a whole bunch of reasons to call him a criminal, so not just this. Because Dan Andrews knows some stuff I know about defense procurement that would actually put him behind bars in any civilized country. So if Dan Andrews wants to take issue with me, he can bring it on because I'd love to talk to him about his defense procurement of land vehicles and I'd love to talk to him about his procurement of submarines. And if he really wants to go there, I'd love to have him come because the fact of the matter is Dan Andrews, the criminal, who was more than happy to shut down Victoria and turn it into a despot, torture state. That Dan Andrews knew that he was participating in a crime and didn't have any problem with it. So are we gonna sit there and do a royal commission on did Gates do it? Did Fauci do it? Did, you know, World Health Organization do it? No. We should be asking a very fundamental question. Why was the Australian government absolutely complicit?
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Absolutely complicit. And not only complicit, but why did the government of Victoria and why did the country of New Zealand serve as case examples of the suppression of civil liberties at the extreme? Why was it that we chose those locations to see how far the Commonwealth could be put on its knees? And the fact of the matter is the real royal commission should be asking those questions because the facts of COVID are already known.
Graham: Yeah. We've we've been talking about COVID for 4 years. Let's be honest. But there needs to be a very careful examination of who's pulling the strings. I mean, people are blaming, Fauci. They're blaming Gates. They're blaming but we know that these guys are only part of the way up the tree.
David Martin: That's exactly right.
Graham: Who who do you think is at the top of the tree?
Well, listen, I did a whole presentation, probably about 2 years ago now where I called it the “COVID Privateers”. These were all the companies and individuals who were responsible for the carnage that's happened and there's no question that you have an enormous number of different organizations. I would encourage people to go find that online. There's tons of copies of it online where I actually go through the contracts with individual organizations where you have advertising agencies, global advertising agencies. You have organizations like Palantir, which is the data collection, data surveillance organization that's run by Peter Thiel, which as you … “GIANT shock”, find out was collecting data on citizens and making sure that we had the ability to track digital identities and all kinds of other things. No different from SAIC in the last 2 decades where you have companies across the board and these are the pharmaceutical companies, these are finance companies like BlackRock that actually are the financing entities that are profiteering on the back of this. There are tons and tons of organizations. There's no question that Gabby and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are right at the white-hot core of this, but they too are being money laundering agencies for other people who are actually putting money into this terror campaign. Yes, there's the George Soros's of the world. Yes, there are the other actors, but the fact of the matter is if you go and look at the COVID Privateers presentation I made, I actually list them all. I list them by name. I list the companies and they're all out there for everybody to look at. And, if I knew you were gonna ask a question, I could’ve pulled the screen up, but I don't have the screen up. So I can’t. I'd encourage people to go find it because the COVID Privateers is something you can find online.
Graham: Yeah. You you do have the ability to share screen if you feel you need to during the interview. So go ahead and do that. So, a lot this if you look at things from a biblical perspective, you can see clearly that that, timelines are running out. We know that that's happening. We know that this is a battle between good and evil. There's no two ways about it. You can't sort of quantify it any other way. In your opinion, how much influence do secret societies have in this?
David Martin: So, a lot less than people want it to be. This is more insidious than secret societies. This is actually about a group of people and I wrote a novel back in 2011 that a lot of people had a hard time with, where I pointed out that there was a group of people in the late 1990s who got together and decided that not unlike the Bretton Woods Conference in the 1940s, which gave rise to things like the World Bank and the IFC and multilateral organizations like the UN and other things, a group of people got together and said, I bet we could actually take over the world and all it would take is an absolute commitment to just amorality. And let me be really clear on what I mean by that. Not immorality. A lot of things they do are immoral, but amorality is genuinely not having any consideration for the consequence of actions. It's actually worse than immorality. Immorality, you actually at least know that there's a bad guy, but amoral people have no compass. They have no grounding. They have no principle. And if you look at most of these individuals, Graham and John, there's a unifying feature of almost all of them and that is that almost all of them lost the child that they wished would be their heir. Now I want … I don't know anything about you guys' personal life, but let me share with you, I am thankfully the biological father of two beautiful children and courtesy of inheriting Kim's daughter, I was able to have dad 2.0. So I've had three kids that I've been able to raise. My kids, 2 older kids are married. They're they’re married and they're having kids. My son is expecting his second in February and I'm absolutely thrilled to be a grandpa now three times over. I can tell you that every day of my life, I celebrate the beautiful children that I've seen grow into amazing adults. My kids are fabulous kids. They're amazing kids and their kids are amazing and I'm watching my children become great parents. So, my heart is filled with this idea that I'm gonna keep fighting for a better world because I know that my kids are gonna be fighting for a better world, and their kids are gonna be doing it because we have morals and values that actually say that this is not our life. This is generational. This is a story about the ongoing nature of the blessing of family. If you ask me today, what would it be like to live in a world where you don't want your kids to make it? I can see how you could become amoral really fast.
Graham: Yeah.
David Martin: I can see. And what I've encouraged people to do because so many people are looking for the “whodunnit”, who's the bad guy … somewhere behind the curtain, there's The Wizard of Oz and he's this nefarious actor, and I would love to stop and encourage people. You know, if you're a person of faith and I don't know what your audience is, I don't know, you know but what I'm gonna say, I don't care whether you're a person of faith or not. What I'm gonna tell you is that, as long as there's breath, there's the possibility of redemption and that's an absolute truth.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: I have never gotten to the point in my life where I've written off any human being as beyond the capacity for redemption.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: And I think we need to be really clear on the fact, and I've said this many times, that before we actually look at the plank in our brother's eye, we ought to look at the plank in our own eye because the fact of the matter is, how did this happen? How did we get here? I'll tell you how. We were more concerned with the AFL or the NRL …
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Or what was happening with our friends at the pub. We were more concerned about that than we were concerned about the fact that a government was being hijacked and a government well, I don't know. Let's for example, say a very large island continent country, I don't know, somewhere in the South Pacific without mentioning any names, was watching as 80% of its economy was sold to another country. And, as long as everybody felt okay with the fact that their house prices were going up and everybody felt okay with the fact that there were plenty of ships that are moving goods and services back and forth and everybody actually realized that according to Price Waterhouse Coopers in Sydney and in Melbourne, the economy of the service industries of Australia was going through the roof. As long as all that was happening, we didn't actually ask questions, did we? We didn't ask questions about, hey, is it a good idea for 80% of our economy to be dependent on a single trading partner that doesn't have our best interest in mind? Should we have been concerned when we didn't as Australia stop and say, hold on a minute. If China becomes the single largest shareholder of our country, is it possible … is it possible that they may exert influence over, I don't know, our health policy? I don't know, our public policy? I don't know, all these other things. And you know what the tragedy is? We are so prone to look for the error in someone else. Without looking in the mirror and this thing, where were we complicit? Where were we apathetic? Where did we decide it was somebody else's problem to make sure that somebody's monitoring this? Where did we decide as a country and why is it that a bow tie wearing Virginian was on an Australia law reform commission? I mean, I might be a bright guy, but guess what? I should have had people from Australia that were kicking my butt from here to kingdom come on Australia Law, and guess what? I actually had read more Australian law than the people on the law reform commission in Australia.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: And that's because there were more people interested in what high school you went to, what college you went to, what prep school did you go to, did you go to the right, you know, Sydney this school or Melbourne that school or whatever else? And I'm sitting there going, people wake up. There's a real thing called the global community that's actually going on around us and we're still sitting there going, are we going for Collingwood? Are we going for, you know, Melbourne? Are we going for the swans? Are we going for the and I'm just sitting there going, “stop that”. Now I'm not saying, you know, don't have your team and I learned quite unfortunately that I didn't even know what the word “barrack” meant. And then I was asked who I “barrack” for. I don't even know. I don't I don't even know what “barracking” is. But the fact of the matter is, we were all complicit in this and that's the reason why I just encourage people. You said you said something really important and Graham, and I wanna come back to this. There is a giant good and evil game playing out right now, but I got some really bad news for a lot of people. The reason why the New Testament has the parable of the sheep and the goats …
Graham: Mhmm.
David Martin: Is because a lot of people who think they're sheep …
Graham: Are goats.
David Martin: And I hate to break it to you, but I'll tell you what … the number of people who told me, oh, no. I was on the right side of things, and I “woke up”, and “I red pilled”, and “I this, and I that”, and I'm sitting there going, yep. And one day, there's gonna be an accounting, And the question is gonna be where were you? Where were you?
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: When the suffering happened? Did you hunker down? Did you keep your voice down? Did you make sure you didn't ruffle any feathers? Or did you do what Kim and I did which is put our faces out in public?
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: You know? And man did we get the slings and arrows.
Graham: John and I gave, gave evidence in the senate, estimates committee hearing on the, terms of reference for if we did have a Royal Commission, which we knew we were never gonna have, and it was not gonna be effective anyway.
David Martin: Yeah.
Graham: But I got to I got to indicate … I used to teach human factors in the airline industry, and I got to say to the senate that Australia has participated in the greatest human factors failure in global history.
David Martin: That's correct.
Graham: We have totally allowed these things to go off on our watch. So what do we do with that? Do we do we just, alright … let's first of all, we got a whole bunch of people who are dying because of it. We're losing relatives. We're losing friends. We're losing colleagues. Family members are dying. Families are breaking up because nobody agrees on the issues, because they're too scared to look at it. They're in denial, which is don't even know I am lying. They're in denial. And here we have this situation where we need a bunch of people who are allowed to practice their medical expertise in the right way to come out and start healing the injured and healing the infected and healing the wounded. We need a whole bunch of social experts who are trying to heal the chasms in our in our countries globally.
David Martin: Yep.
Graham: And we need a whole bunch of ethical, legal people and politicians who are going to take this head on to make sure this never happens again. And because we're too busy covering our asses, David Martin, none of this appears to be happening.
David Martin: Correct.
Graham: What do we have to do to get this to happen?
David Martin: Yeah. So, let's deal with the most difficult band aid to pull off. We, as a society, globally, I'm not talking about America or Australia or anything else, I'm talking about the world. We are ill equipped to handle grief at scale. We just don't have the skill set for it. You know, we kind of accept that a grandmother or a grandfather or, you know, somebody pass passes along from time to time. We kinda get that. But we don't understand that when Moderna and Pfizer created the mRNA injection, we don't understand that they included a thing called “pseudo-uridine” in that injection. In 2018, pseudo-uridine was published to be a pro cancer agent. And by pro cancer, what I mean is not only did it stimulate the body to activate cancer, but it did something else. It actually shut down the natural systems to turn cancer off. If the three of us croaked right now and we were all hauled into a morgue to do an autopsy, the great news is that all three of us would have cancer somewhere. Just the nature of the beast. The nature of living. Environmental issues, lifestyle issues, nutrition issues, we'd have it. The great news about the human body is that we have natural defences against that. And so, a lot of weird cells pop up and the great news is the body has ability to respond and kill off the weird cells and we go through our life, and the vast majority of us in an unaltered state will not die of cancer, will die of something else, probably something stupid in my case. I'll probably fall off of something or get hit in the head with a tree or whatever. But the fact of the matter is, we have a natural system in our body that actually responds to these abnormal cells. Well, here's a TINY little problem. The Pfizer and Moderna injections specifically targeted the system that controls that and turned it off, which is the reason why you hear the term “Turbo-Cancer”, which until COVID, didn't happen. There was no such thing as “Turbo-Cancer. People didn't discover cancer at Stage 4. And I'm talking to a country that is rife with skin cancers and rife with a couple other GI cancers, so I know what I'm saying when I'm saying this to an Australian audience. There is a lot of risk around cancer and the fact of the matter is the last thing you would wanna do is inject a population that already has an abnormally high incidence of, let's just say, melanomas or other forms of skin cancer. You wouldn't wanna inject that population with something that turns off cancer fighting capabilities. But in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, those things happen and that was wilfully done. The spike protein that was synthesized into both the mRNA sequence for Pfizer and Moderna both target the human heart and it is not surprising that we see people all across the world now having myocarditis, now having congestive heart failure, now having acceleration of other cardiac problems. In fact, I don't know anybody who doesn't know somebody who has one of those heart conditions. It's as it's as sure as waking up. You're gonna find out that somebody's in the hospital with, you know, congestive heart failure. They need to have a catheter because they've got a clot. These were things that were published and known. They knew that the formula that was being injected was gonna cause these things. These were all published. Guys, in 2018, everything I said was published and known about what's going on in here. We knew that the propylene glycol that was being used as a stabilizing lipid agent, we knew that that was actually so toxic, it was considered an industrially unsatisfied and unstable for human consumption molecule and that was put in so that we could actually stabilize the shelf life of the injection. We knew that was gonna create clots. We knew that was gonna cause cancer in some people. We knew that was gonna cause myocarditis in some people and we didn't pay any attention. So, I got bad news first. We haven't seen the wave of suffering yet and that's a terrible thing to have to say to people, but it's true. And we have to address the fact that we are going to have more grief to come because of actions that were taken by blinding the public to the facts. Because if people had listened, and I talked about this very, very early days, other people did and you guys know how hard it was to even find my stuff online. You know that. It was next to impossible in the Commonwealth. They closed down every way that this information could get out. But now people can go back and look at my presentations in 2020 where I laid all this stuff out before shot number 1 was delivered. It was all public and we paid no attention to it. So, we're gonna have the first thing we're gonna have to do is get really clear on the fact that our neighbors, and once again I'll use a biblical metaphor. The good Samaritan story is gonna come back and really bite us.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Who is our neighbour? Well, I'll tell you what. Our neighbour is not just everybody who's suffering, but our neighbour is gonna include people who ridiculed us.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Our neighbour is gonna include people who wished ill upon us. Yep. People who actually had the audacity to say, I wish the unvaccinated would die.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: That's gonna be your neighbour. So if you're a person of ethical and moral consequence, you're gonna have to go inside right now and go, oh, am I prepared to offer a cup of cold water to a person who wished me dead?
Graham: Yep. Beautiful.
David Martin: And if you're not prepared to do it, examine your heart right now and get ready for it because you need to be that person. If we want a better humanity at the other end of this, we have to make sure that we don't sit in judgment and go well, I'm not gonna help you because you actually and then fill in all the judgment gaps that we had. So, Part ONE, and that's why I wanted to start with what everybody can do … We can clean up our attitude and realize that even if we were ridiculed and even if we were mocked and even if we were put down and even if we were threatened, our job is to remain and commit to being human with every single person that needs our help because they will need it.
Graham: Yes.
That's Number ONE. Number TWO, is we need to actually focus on the real point and the real point is we had a public sector that was sold so that our public interest was not being served but the interest of private sector considerations overwhelmed the public responsibility, and this is something we need to deal with at the election level. You guys are looking at the possibility of some elections coming up. I know the UK is having some elections coming up. You know, we've had too few people actually confront the individuals standing for election. Too few people are actually confronting them and saying before you get my vote, you have to earn it, and you have to earn it by making written pledges to commit to ending this kind of tyranny. What does that mean? That means ending bribes from the People's Republic of China in Australia. That means stopping the influence of China manipulating the government of Australia by using financial incentives so that your real estate values are now so exorbitant, that Asians can buy property that Australians can't even begin to touch. We need to actually be looking at real places where the real value of Australia is actually paramount in the minds of elected officials and not secondary to the financial interest that they serve.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: And you guys have a Spring or it's going into your Fall, but you have … coming up in April/May, an opportunity to hold people accountable and you need to hold them accountable. You need to actually share these videos. You need to be sharing you guys' previous content. You need to be actually being part of that solution. And then the THIRD thing, and I hate to break it to you because I know coming from America, I always got in trouble when I said this, but the lucky country story has to end. Australia is not a lucky country. Australia is a country that is rich in resources. That's absolutely true. And it's rich in culture and heritage. That's actually true. All of those things are true. And quite frankly, having lived there, having been part of the Australian community for over two decades, I'm more than happy to say I'm very proud about all the Australian connections and roots I have. I love it. But I'm gonna make a very, very clear statement. When you guys talk about your health service, you need to actually blow the thing up, because what you don't understand in Australia because it's easy for Australians to go, oh my gosh … go over to America, you have to buy your own insurance and you have to this and you have to that. And, oh my gosh, it's so great because Australians … we can just walk into a doctor and get this and we can walk into a pharmacy and get that. But what Australians don't understand is that consolidation of power, the absence of true competition is the reason why you can line up kids at stadiums and inject them with a lethal toxin.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: And not have anybody who has the ability to stand up with ethics and say, I'm not going to participate. So, what happens is that you build this social system which is sold to you as the bill of goods, that this is a great system. It's a great health care system. It's, you know, it's free health care. It's this … Ladies and gentlemen, I hate to break this to you. This is probably the hardest piece of news for any Australian to hear. Your health care system isn't free. You are enslaved by the illusion of its freedom. You don't have choice. You don't have the ability to make independent decisions and I can guarantee you that your physicians, GUARANTEE you your physicians … are actually the front for drug dealing corporations that have more interest in what you take as pills than whether or not the quality of your life is adequate. And it sucks to have to say that. And I'm not suggesting, by the way, that America has it any better. We wouldn't know health care if it bit us in the ass. But the fact of the matter is this kind of lucky country syndrome that says, oh, we have this value and we have this merit and we have all this kind of stuff. Stop that story because that story drowns out the honest criticism and the honest accountability of the National Health System that should be criticized, and it should be scrutinized and your medical professionals should be held to account. But because it's the lucky country and because you have free healthcare, no one bothers to ask free at what cost? Well, I'm gonna ask the question, and we have to.
Graham: That's an inconvenient truth for a great many Australians. It's one I came to terms with a long time ago. And most people will say, oh, you know, you've got a nice home or whatever. You're very lucky. No. The harder you work, the luckier you get. And Australia keeps saying we're the lucky country, and we've allowed that to dull us down into a …
David Martin: That's exactly right.
Graham: We are the most apathetic bunch of losers. I hate to say this. We just hold ourselves up really, really high. But when push comes to shove nowadays, in the past, you couldn't say that. We were toe to toe with every in every war that America participated in, and we were right there at the front line.
David Martin: Yep.
But I, we would struggle today in this country to mount any kind of defence that you could rely on. We couldn't do it because we've become too apathetic.
David Martin: Well, and listen, I have dear friends who are members of the military in Australia, and I honour the service that they've done like, I honour the service that all of those here have done and all those in our allies around the world, but what I would say is that I watched the veterans of Australia coming back from conflicts like what happened in Rwanda. A dear friend, that his life will never be the same because what he had on his peacekeeping mission. I've seen guys coming back from Afghanistan and I've seen what they've gone through. And if Australia was dead serious, they wouldn't just wear a Poppy once a year. They'd actually care about the emotional and mental state of those individuals. They would care about the fact that when Australia deploys, they shoot their soldiers full of experimental drugs and what they call vaccines, which are clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies that people in Australia don't even know is being done. They don't even know. So, to your point, Graham, yeah, there's so much that is the information side of this thing which we have to build and we have to work on because the complacency has led to a place of apathy. And now, when a person like me, I moved to Australia in 2016, moved to Sydney and then a year later, Kim and I moved to Melbourne. Do you realize that virtually every meeting I went to, whether it was in business or politics, I was asked why on earth would you come to Australia? Nobody comes to Australia. Successful people leave Australia. Well, that's a horrible thing to find out. It's a horrible thing to see. But the tragedy is whether you're talking about your, what is it, “Home and Away” or whatever your soap opera thing is or, you know, if you succeed, what do you do? You leave, you go to Hollywood. If you succeed, you leave. If you're in business, you succeed, you leave. If you're working for any of the major, you know, accounting firms or legal firms or or any of the big banks, what is success? The success is you leave. Right? What does that mean? What it means is that the soul of Australia is getting poorer because the apathy is mounting and that's exactly what we have to turn around.
Graham: Yeah.
David Martin: Because there's great Australians doing great things and I've met tons of them all across this country. I know that when I was an expert in residence for WA and I know most Australians go, WA, where's that? I mean, I swear. I think I know more of Australia than most Australians know. But when I was out in places like Kalgoorlie and I was out at places that are out in the middle of the desert in WA, I saw real Australians working really hard to make an amazing future for the country. But I also saw that every single time anybody tried to raise their hand and go, “hey … I think there's a better way … maybe we should think about that”. The Tall Poppy Syndrome in Australia is absolutely alive and well and the minute somebody raised their hand and said, “I think that's wrong. I think we could do it better. I think there's be a better way.” Man, you might as well just get lined up for firing squad because that's what's gonna happen and that's why we have to have … I mean, listen, you guys know this probably. I was on with Pete Evans, early in the pandemic and he got crucified for talking to me.
Graham: Yeah.
David Martin: Now Pete Evans has done a bunch of things and, you know, people have their opinion on him, whatever. I don't care. But what he was trying to do is he was trying to bring information to Australia through the only portal he had. Good on him. Well done. And he got crucified for having me on his show.
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: I think Pete's a fabulous guy. You know what? I know people like him all over the world and they're interesting people. And, yeah, maybe they have some quirky views on one thing or another, but I'll tell you what, he did what he could do …
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: To promote a message that no one else was doing and good on him for doing it.
Graham: You put it on the line.
David Martin: The tragedy was that my Australian friends would not share his video with their friends because they didn't wanna look like they were endorsing Pete Evans. Are you kidding me?
Graham: Yep.
David Martin: Are you kidding me? You don't want to share lifesaving information because you think the guy had whatever, whatever your thoughts were. I don't care. What he was trying to do is trying to help people. And it was sad to see that and that's gotta change.
John: Exactly.
Graham: It absolutely does. We we've gone past the hour mark already and I don't wanna let you go, Dave. Can we hang on to you for a bit longer?
David Martin: Hey, you bet.
Graham: Okay. Let's, I think for the sake of production and other issues, we need to break the interview
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