Germany Must Perish! A call for the GENOCIDE of the German people!

1 month ago

This is the first recording I've felt a need to put a disclaimer on. The book is very poorly written, grammar is out of place, punctuation is out of place, words are wrongly used, words are randomly hyphenated when they shouldn't be, sometime a paragraph will restart halfway through a word, and all of this adds up to make it incredibly frustrating to read. If it sounds at time like I'm getting frustrated or stumbling through sentences, I am.

The book is: Germany Must Perish! By: Theodore N. Kaufman

It is the first instance I know of the use of the phrase "final solution" to call for the complete ethnic cleansing of a people, and it's a New York Jew calling for the sterilization of the Germans. I would invite you to pay attention the names of the various "German" authors Kaufman quotes to justify his demand for genocide.

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