Binford Chronicles Ep. 25 Mexican Rallies to protest ICE Deportations

1 month ago

Immigrants who are genuinely interested in understanding and appreciating the importance of our Constitution are valuable to our nation.

The organizer of the protest this past weekend mentioned that she only votes for presidents, choosing not to get involved in politics beyond that, leaving political decisions to others—whoever they may be. Her parents came here through amnesty, meaning they didn’t have to pledge allegiance to the nation, its government, or its laws.

Coming to the United States in search of a better life, while showing little interest in understanding how our government operates, and then protesting when things don't go their way, is problematic.

Additionally, the issue of Native American heritage keeps coming up. However, we must recognize that we do not live in a time when those distinctions are relevant. Being born in the United States makes someone native to the country; ancestry may be significant, but it doesn't equate to being "native."

The world has evolved, and we need to focus on the present reality and work toward building a better future from where we are today

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