4 hours ago

ON FEBRUARY 2nd, 2025.

Israel's big budget for Hasbara, propaganda to make you feel sorry for them has skyrocketed, but it's just suffered an EPIC fail!

Right, so sometimes there comes along a story that you can’t help but smile at, laugh at even, even when that comes at the darkest of times and in the most grave of places, such as is the case with Israel and its ongoing atrocities being committed in Gaza, because how can you possibly have a laugh about that?

If there one thing Israel is devoted to as much as arming themselves though, it is their propaganda machine, Hasbara as it is called and in a bid to keep up with technological innovation, they’ve also jumped on the artificial intelligence bandwagon. But the thing with an automated algorithm capable of learning is that it can’t be propagandised, you can’t pull the wool over the eyes of a machine that uses the whole of the internet pretty much to educate itself, Israel do not have that kind of reach and influence, so to try and use that tech for Hasbara, for propaganda, well, it has backfired with absolutely hilarious consequences, with their AI bot now accusing Israel of every single war crime, illegal occupation and colonialism that they are seeking to cover up and promote the opposite of!

Right, so it is less DeepSeek and more Deep s**t for Israel as their venture into the world of artificial intelligence, their bid to keep the propaganda going in this new technological age has backfired in the most brilliantly funny and absolutely deserved way as their brand new propaganda machine – for that is literally what this is – has ended up learning it’s way around to turning on Israel completely calling them out for genocide, persecution, apartheid and colonialism, Israel basically created an AI that is now completely pro Palestine.

How can such a thing actually come into being though, what is Israel driving at here and for that, and it’s a term I’ve brought up in a few videos now but have never actually gone into much explanation on, it’..

MIRROR FROM ":" KernowDamo


The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from me, nor is their iniquity concealed from my eyes.

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