All Things Spiritual-Revelation 9

1 month ago

In Revelation 9, a star falls from heaven and is given the key to the bottomless pit. The smoke from the pit obscures the sun and air, and locusts emerge from it, giving them power to harm only those without the seal of God. They are tormented for five months, and in those days, men will seek death and desire to die, but death will flee from them. The locusts are like horses prepared for battle, with crowns like gold and faces like men. They have breastplates, wings, tails, and stings, and have a king named Abaddon.

A trumpet sounds, and a star plummets from the heavens to earth, becoming the Antichrist, an agent of the devil. The smoke obscures the sun and air, representing the devil's schemes that promote ignorance, error, and superstition. From the smoke, a swarm of locusts emerge, spreading superstition, idolatry, and cruelty. Their influence is spiritual, corrupting souls like a poison. God's grace shields His people from total and final apostasy.

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