Prayer based on Isaiah 55:8-9 ENG Chinese Pinyin

1 month ago

NOTES - Prayer based on Isaiah 55:8-9 ENG Chinese Pinyin
O God, Your thoughts are not my thoughts
Shén a, Nǐ de yìniàn bùshì wǒ de yìniàn
神啊, 你的意念不是我的意念
Shén 神 God
a 啊 [used at the end of the sentence to convey a feeling of admiration or an undertone of warning]
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
niàn 念 (verb) think of, miss
yìniàn 意念 (noun) idea, thought
bùshì 不是 not
wǒ 我 I
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
wǒ de 我的 my, mine

Neither are Your ways my ways
Nǐ de dàolù yě bùshì wǒ de dàolù
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
dào 道 (noun) road, way, path, doctrine, principle, (verb) think, suppose
lù 路 (noun) road, path, way, route, means, journey
dàolù 道路 (noun) road, way, path
yě 也 also, too, as well
bùshì 不是 not
wǒ 我 I
wǒ de 我的 my, mine

As the heavens are higher than the earth,
Tiān zěnyàng gāoguò dì,
tiān 天 day, sky, heaven
zěn 怎 why, how
yàng 样 appearance, shape
zěnyàng 怎样 how
gāo 高 (adj) tall, high, advanced, superior
guò 过 (verb) cross, pass, exceed, go beyond, [used after a verb as a complement]
dì 地 the earth, land, soil

so are Your ways higher than my ways
Nǐ de dàolù yě zěnyàng gāoguò wǒ de dàolù,
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
dào 道 (noun) road, way, path, doctrine, principle, (verb) think, suppose
lù 路 (noun) road, path, way, route, means, journey
dàolù 道路 (noun) road, way, path
yě 也 also, too, as well
zěn 怎 why, how
yàng 样 appearance, shape
zěnyàng 怎样 how
gāo 高 (adj) tall, high, advanced, superior
guò 过 (verb) cross, pass, exceed, go beyond, [used after a verb as a complement]
wǒ 我 I
wǒ de 我的 my, mine

and Your thoughts than my thoughts
Nǐ de yìniàn yě zěnyàng gāoguò wǒ de yìniàn
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
niàn 念 (verb) think of, miss
yìniàn 意念 (noun) idea, thought
yě 也 also, too, as well
zěn 怎 why, how
yàng 样 appearance, shape
zěnyàng 怎样 how
gāo 高 (adj) tall, high, advanced, superior
guò 过 (verb) cross, pass, exceed, go beyond, [used after a verb as a complement]
wǒ 我 I
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
wǒ de 我的 my, mine

Although I often may not quite understand your will
Suīrán wǒ wǎngwǎng bù tài míngbái Nǐ de zhǐyì
suī 虽 (conj) though, although
rán 然 (conj) but, however, nevertheless
suīrán 虽然 (conj) though, although
wǒ 我 I
wǎngwǎng 往往 (adv) often, frequently, more often than not
bù 不 no, not
tài 太 (adv) too, [used in negative sentences] very
míng 明 (verb) know, understand
bái 白 (adj) clear, made clear, (verb) state, explain
míngbái 明白 (verb) understand, realize, know
nǐ 你 you
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
nǐ de 你的 your, yours
zhǐ 旨 (noun) purport, purpose
yì 意 (noun) wish, desire, expectation, idea
zhǐyì 旨意 (noun) decree, order

I know You have the best of plans for me
dànshì wǒ zhīdào nǐ wèi wǒ suǒ dìng de jìhuà shì zuì hǎo de
dàn 但 (conj) but
shì 是 to be (is), [used as a verb to be when the predicative is a noun, used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun]
dànshì 但是 (conj) but, yet, still, nevertheless
wǒ 我 I
zhī 知 (verb) know, be aware of
dào 道 road, way, path, doctrine, principle
zhīdào 知道 (verb) know , be aware of
nǐ 你 you
wèi 为 (preposition) for, in order to
suǒ 所 [particle, used before a verb]
dìng 订 (verb) conclude, draw up
de 的 [used after a verb as an attribute, used after an adjective]
jì 计 (noun) idea, plan
huà 划 (verb) plan, scheme
jìhuà 计划 (noun) plan, (verb) map out, plan
zuì 最 (adv) [indicating the superlative]
hǎo 好 (adv) good, fine
zuì hǎo 最好 (adj) best, first-rate

Thank you, God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Xiè xiè nǐ, Shén. Fèng Yēsū de míng, Āmen.
谢谢你,神。奉耶稣的名, 阿们。
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
xiè xiè 谢谢 (verb) thanks, thank you
nǐ 你 you
Shén 神 God
fèng 奉 (verb) present or receive with respect, esteem, revere
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
míng 名 (noun) name
Āmen 阿们 Amen

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