Moving Chickens on Pasture with Mobile Coop and Electric Netting

12 hours ago

Matt shows off the chicks that have just been moved to pasture in their brand new mobile chicken coop. He covers the general idea of multi-specie, rotational grazing and how the chicks are protected.

X: @apolloacres
Instagram: @apolloacres

Below are some recommended products (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Automatic Door:
This is the same door that I have as seen in the video.

Feeder/waterer Combo:
This would be a good starter feeder and waterer. I like that the waterer can be raised because they have a habit of scratching litter into the water as they grow.

Portable Electric Poultry Netting:
This is a good starter option but be sure to check out to see all of their options.

#homesteading #farming #regenerativefarming #rotationalgrazing #chicken

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