Design Considerations for a Mobile Chicken Coop

1 month ago

Matt advises on what is needed to make a good brooder. Little chicks are hardy but there are some bare necessities required.

X: @apolloacres
Instagram: @apolloacres

Below are some recommended products for your first brooder (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Feeder/waterer Combo:
This would be a good starter feeder and waterer. I like that the waterer can be raised because they have a habit of scratching litter into the water as they grow.

Heat Plate:
I am very happy with the RentACoop heat plate I have and would highly recommend it.

Heat Lamp:
I like how this one has a switch built in, includes the clamp (just don't rely on it), and is rated for 250 watts.

Heat Lamp Bulb:
It's infrared and 250 Watts. What's not to like?

#farm #homesteading #regenerativefarming #chicken #brooder

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