Levin: Trump Will Be Remembered For Eternity

1 month ago

Mark Levin: "Many years ago, as I was listening to talk radio as a kid, there was a gentleman in New York, I think he was on WABC by the name of Jean Shepherd. Very cerebral with wonderful stories and one sticks in my mind, and he ended one of his stories by saying something to the effect that 500 years from now, you didn't exist. Why? Because nobody's going to remember you, not even your family. But there's basically a couple hundred, maybe a thousand human beings who will be remembered for eternity. I want the Senate Democrats to know that in 20 years, nobody's going to know that you ever existed. That's how pathetic you are. But in a thousand years, whether it's in the Middle East, whether it's in the Far East, or whether it's in the United States, Donald Trump will be remembered.”

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