Out Of Control Dude Kicks A Hotel Door Before Receiving Painful Karma From A Very Well-Trained Cop

1 month ago

Posted • February 2, 2025: A man caught on camera kicking in a hotel door received instant karma. Social media video shows him trying to enter a Marriott lobby by punching and kicking the glass door, almost knocking it off its hinges. He soon regretted the act when a nearby police officer intervened. Footage captures the man breaking in and then nonchalantly approaching the front desk. Maintenance workers, security, and police quickly arrive. The man fails to comply with their instructions, leading to a tense situation. The officer pulls out handcuffs, and as the man protests, saying “I am a citizen,” the officer punches him, knocking him off balance. The officer wrestles the man to the ground, placing a knee on his head and securing his wrists to handcuff and arrest him. Online commenters praised the officer’s actions. “That’s one tough little cop. Well done,” wrote one.

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