Pwnery's Firearm Reviews - Palmetto State Armory's AK-P

1 month ago

Continuing the migration, and moving up in size, welcome back to Pwnery's Firearm reviews. Today I'm bringing you something that had arrived to me after a 3-year endless stream of backorders or lack of disposable income way back in 2018. This is the Palmetto State Armory AK-P - a pistol version of their AK series of rifles now in their 3rd generation of production. Benefits of the GFA-3 series is the barrel, bolt, bolt face, and trunnions are cold-hammer forged which will aid in longevity and hopefully reliability throughout the lifetime of this particular piece. Backed by a lifetime warranty - I'm not really all too worried about it. My decision was solidified after seeing AK Operators union do a 5,000 round torture test of it and having it passed.

At the time of this release, I must have picked up the last one of this particular variant (Nutmeg), because it shows to be out of stock again, but check back and check often if you want this one, or maybe take a gander at their other offerings with different furniture sets.

I chose this particular pistol because I was aiming to get my AK feet wet with something that looked a lot like an AKS-74u, but in the original AK caliber of 7.62x39 - which is exactly what this one does. Prices may vary, but at the time I bought in, this particular variant was just about $1,000.00 USD which kind-of hurts compared to what they used to MSRP for. Oh well, I got into the AK scene late - but better late than never I suppose.

So anyway - sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Thanks for watching, subscribing, sharing, and tolerating me fumbling through these reviews. Since I'm a self-funded operation, they do tend to come few and far between, but I'm sitting on a small stable of future reviews that I just hadn't had the time to sit down and really get filmed and uploaded - hopefully that'll change soon.

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