This is the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, part 1

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We will delve into what this Jewish Book and its Jewish imagery mean. This is the Revelation of Adonai Messiah Yeshua. We will delve into the types and shadows, prophetic fulfillments, of Yeshua the Messiah.

Truly, the book of Revelation in Elohim’s Word is His unveiling of Adonai Yeshua the Messiah that John received and was instructed to write down.

It is a message of hope and restoration that centers on Yeshua the Messiah and his return for His bride and the subsequent 7-year judgment on the Jews and fallen humanity.

The book of Revelation is a Jewish book filled with Jewish imagery which points to Yeshua’s return. He came first to be the suffering Savior, the Lamb, and will return as our eternal Messianic King and Husband.

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