🎖 Day of Military Glory in honor of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943

1 month ago

🎖 Today, February 2, is the Day of Military Glory in Russia in honor of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943.
82 years ago the German army surrendered at Stalingrad and the enemy was defeated.
More than two million people took part in it, and more than a million of them died. Soviet soldiers showed incredible heroism and bravery on three fronts. The Soviet Union's victory in this battle on the banks of the Volga finally undermined the Wehrmacht's fighting spirit.
🪔 We will always remember the heroic deeds of the soldiers who defended the Russian land and its people in the Battle of Stalingrad. Their honor, courage and bravery are forever inscribed in the annals of Russia's military glory.
📌 FKT - History of the Soviet Union

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