Aerial View Of Philadelphia Air Crash | Philadelphia Air Crash

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A medical transport jet carrying a child who had just finished treatment for a life-threatening condition, along with her mother and four others, crashed into a Philadelphia neighborhood shortly after takeoff Friday evening. The crash resulted in an explosive fireball that consumed multiple homes. Live aerial footage captured the aftermath in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
#Philadelphia #JetCrash #MedicalTransport #FireballExplosion #NeighborhoodFire #ChildPatient #MotherAndChild #EmergencyFlight #TragicAccident #MedicalJet #FireAfterCrash #NeighborhoodDisaster #CrashSite #MedicalTransportJet #AerialFootage #FireDamage #ResidentialCrash #PhiladelphiaNews #CrashExplosion #Fireball #BreakingNews #NeighborhoodExplosion #FatalCrash #ChildSurvivor #FatalAccident #MedicalTransportFlight

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