JAMES FETZER, PhD - The Moon Landings: Were they Real or a Mass Illusion? How we Know We Didn't Go

6 days ago

There must be 100 lines of proof we didn't go to the moon: we lacked the propulsion power to escape low Earth orbit; we did not have the computer power to manage the flight; the Van Allen Radiation Belt would have cooked our astronauts; had we gone, we could not have come back. Here I review a sampler of how we know we didn't go.

JIM FETZER, Ph.D, former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founded (with Mike Palecek) of moonrockbooks.com. Jim began serious research on JFK in 1992 and published three collections of expert studies that cracked the cover-up, especially by exposing how much of the “official evidence” presented by The Warren Commission was fabricated, altered or faked.

He founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth in late 2005 and, since his retirement in 2006, has devoted himself to bringing together experts to examine the politically controversial events of our time. While editor of Moon Rock Books, six of the twelve volumes published, on Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland and (even) the moon landing, have been banned by amazon.com.

Jim’s websites include his blog, jameshfetzer.org, his video archive, https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jim_fetzer, and on Twitter @jimfetzer. He hosts “The Raw Deal” on Revolution.Radio M/W/F, Authentic News on RBN daily, and has been taking Sandy Hook to the courts in Wisconsin and (even) to SCOTUS.

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