Vampires Unveiled - Tartarin Vampires / Dragon Empire / Secret Occult Powers

1 month ago

Mind Unveiled

00:02:28 - Origins of Vampires
00:24:02 - Blood Worship
00:28:16 - European Vampire History
00:30:32 - Theological References
00:37:15 - Cases
00:49:27 - Academic Works Cited
00:53:02 - European History Outro
00:57:10 - The Real Dracula & Tartaria
00:57:50 - Bram Stoker's Dracula
01:00:11 - Dracula, Literary Vampires, and Freemasonry
01:09:32 - Vlad Mainstream
01:11:09 - Tartaria, Scythia and the Dragon Empire
01:28:11 - Order of the Dragon and the Scholomance
01:59:23 - Occult Secrets
Just because you don’t believe these creatures exist.

That does not preclude that there are people who really believe in Satan in all of his manifestations.

[tHey] believe real power is derived from worshipping Satanic deities.

Besides the fact there are people who are addicted to Adrenochrome to stay vibrant and alive.
If [tHey] don’t have a sip of their favorite elixir, they run the risk of a mental health episode and physically aging very quickly.

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