This Week Now! February 2, 2025

1 month ago

Just in case you need to see it in print, This Week Now! IS SATIRE. Do not attempt at home.
All images used are for entertainment purposes only, under fair use.

Congratulations to the JQ Radio team on their world record:
Wulf @DerEdeleWulf1
UncensoredSpeech @UncutSpeech
Caulin @Goyimreads08
Ian Malcolm @IanMalcolm84
Goyfather @ThaGoyFather
Curtis @offgridstone
Ryan Matta @RyanMattaMedia
Truth Teller @Truthtellerftm
Space cat @spacecatx11
Zach @LogosRevealedI
Stew Peters @realstewpeters
TRILLIONx @TrillionX

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Propaganda Fluent
Insightful commentary on the power and nature of propaganda as it functions in our day and age. Also some pretty fire Twitter content.
Twitter: @PropagandaLayla

Leonarda Jonie
Absolutely hilarious awakened comedienne. From her Rumble bio: Free speech advocate, critical of the ZOG and War Pigs who want to destroy America.

Arthur Kwon Lee
Previously top-rated fine artist blacklisted from the New York art scene for his refusal to feed into the anti-Christian agenda.

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