Happy Spring Cleaning

1 month ago

In today's video I'm going over the Feast of Imbolc which has a lot of elements that lead us to understanding the preparation for the celebration of Imbolc led to the development of spring cleaning. Odd though that may sound, the preparation for the Irish festival needed to have the house cleaned from top to bottom. This was to welcome in the goddess Brighid, the spring and the returning light to the world. The Catholic Church turned this feast into Candlemass in honor of Saint Brighid, where candles were purified and blessed.

I have also included the article about putting gold rocks or gold ingots outside the front door to invite in prosperity.

Stephen Blamires. Magic of the Celtic Otherworld: Irish History, Lore and Rituals. (Woodbury, MN, Llewellyn Publications, 2005).

00:00 - 13:36 Brighid
13:37 - 16:18 Groundhog
16:19 - end Ritual

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