First ANGEL Train1: The Stay Hungry DEMON watch, THE SATAN cries out, SENSES open

7 days ago

Weakness will not save you... do you want to go to the eternal kingdom or not?
Weakness will miss the refining forge factory time wave. Many are called few are chosen.
Why did Christ fast to pinpoint and starve out the Satan in him? It is the beginning point, to birthing the supreme non demon being.
And when you resist other urges, the demon in you cries, and this is how you spot it, and deal with it, and birth a new Angel being.
The impetus to do this, comes from the edified sense of it. Awaken your ken doll with this FULL EXPLAIN.
7 days to die, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, and repeat. The demon adult walks on, never changing. The walking dead. To their final exit. Get hungry, eat, feel like, do. Christ defeated this.
The demon repeats each day its daily ritual, and cries if it does not follow its contour of intuitions. This ends in death. It is surely worth turning from.
When you do not eat and resist your demonic urges that lead to death, your four senses will open up, including a fifth sense later on Spirit filled.

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