Break Those Chains! How To Break Free Of Spiritual Bondage.

1 month ago

Break Those Chains! How To Break Free Of Spiritual Bondage.

Let’s explore the power of Christ to break the chains of spiritual bondage that keep us from living in the fullness of God’s freedom. We will examine the ways in which sin, fear, and other spiritual strongholds can entrap us, and how through faith in Jesus Christ, we are offered liberation. Encourage all of us to identify areas of our lives where we feel trapped, and challenge us to embrace the freedom that comes through Christ's victory on the cross. Ultimately, it is a call to break free from the things that bind us, so that we can walk in the freedom, purpose, and peace that God has ordained for us.

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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Break Those Chains! How To Break Free Of Spiritual Bondage.

Looking back at a Vision given to The Evangelist during one of the darkest days of his life, we will see seven steps we can take to break free of that which entangles us and holds us back. Whether you are fighting addictions, pornography, alcoholism, trauma, debt, or any other area that Satan uses to destroy lives, you can overcome. If you look to the Holy Spirit to win a battle that is ultimately Spiritual in nature even though it is playing out in the physical.

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#breakingspiritualbondage, #freedom, #freedomfromspiritualchains, #freedominChrist, #freedomthroughtheholyspirit, #deliverance, #deliverancefromspiritualoppression, #faith, #faithintroubledtimes, #Onlinesermon, #outreach, #outreachministry, #evangelism, #evangelist, #Missions, #missionaries, #spreadHisLove, #faithjourney

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