"The 9/11 World Trade Center False Flag" with Architect Richard Gage AIA

9 days ago

The 9/11 World Trade Center False Flag — The Explosive Evidence
Tuesday, January 28 at 7:30 pm (MST)

Be sure to follow on X @OldStateSaloon & @RichardGage_911

Take this powerful dive into the explosive evidence of the catastrophic destruction in all three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

Learn more about the sudden, symmetrical, free-fall 7-second descent of 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, but which collapsed in the exact manner of a classic controlled implosion — after numerous witnesses heard explosions — and which our government tried to explain by normal “office fires” to which we have never lost a steel-framed fire-protected high-rise.

Learn also about the very explosive destruction of the Twin Towers in a geometry of fireworks with freely-flying 4-ton structural steel sections laterally ejected out of the towers at 80mph landing 600 feet in every direction and impaled in all the surrounding high-rises, and the 156 first responders and others who witnessed numerous explosions, often before the towers ever started their descent!

And don’t dare miss out on the forensic evidence of thermite and extreme temperatures not accountable in the official “collapse by office fires” narrative. We show you the witnesses and the 3000℉ molten metal “flowing like lava”, the billions of previously molten iron microspheres, and the red-gray chips of nano-thermite found in all the WTC dust samples — the analysis of which confirms thermitic incendiaries and high-energy explosives as the cause of the towers’ destruction.

Our presenter is 36-year Architect Richard Gage, AIA - founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, now along with his courageous wife Gail, at RichardGage911.org

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