Season 3 Episode 53: Evil Men And Impostors Will Grow Worse And Worse, Deceiving And Being Deceived

1 month ago

Originally aired SAT 2/1/25. There’s a lot going on in the world, and the TRUMP Administration is certainly hard to keep up with. SO MANY GOOD changes coming from the White House, and the HOPE of FREEDOM seems to be AWAKENING in many parts of the world, and we can only PRAY that TRUTH and JUSTICE prevails for this time over the encroaching globalist LIES and TYRANNY.

On the other hand, as we said last week, Trump also announced plans to collaborate with multiple developers and tech giants on a program called Stargate. He appears to be on board with the RAPID development of AI and quantum technology through deals with these tech oligarchs who are eager to build 5 gigawatt Data centers in the US.

Whose data do you think they will be processing?

They will be building these mega DATA CENTERS around the world, no doubt, which will unquestionably be connected one day into the ANTICHRIST SUPER BRAIN that he will use to control the world.

Things are moving fast, aren’t they?

These tech leaders claim they will solve the world’s problems with SUPER INTELLIGENCE and quantum computing to speed up the processing of data, and innovate in all fields of life—particularly the medical field.

That’s no surprise because EVERY ONE OF THEM is a TRANS-HUMANIST (including Elon Musk) who believes in MERGING technology with humans to link us all to the INTERNET of THINGS, both DIGITALLY and biologically. These are people who want to TRANSFORM humanity through their innovations, and CONNECT THEM to their DIGITAL AI PROCESSORS.

It is clear that the race for dominance in the AI and quantum technologies is driving the decisions of globalist leaders, as this week the tech industry was blindsided by the release from a Chinese Startup company of a Large Language AI model they had developed that is reportedly more advanced than those developed by Open AI and others who spent hundreds of millions, verses the reported 5 million for DEEP SEEK.

Alex Newman of the Sentinel Report is doggedly tracking all the developments in the globalist agenda and the tech world. He recently shared what a colleague was able to elicit in exchanges with CHAT GPT, and this revelation is very telling:

We’ve all heard about people engaging with AI, and soon forgetting they are engaging a machine. Right now technocrats are training AI on human conversation, thinking, and emotions, and writing them to influence what we think, and what information we can have access to.

And that’s what they plan to do through AI helpers—just our little chat bot friends there to guide us. But once unleashed AI will be able to simply ERASE IDEAS from the internet. ERASE TRUTH. And by the time of the Great Tribulation, a TECH ABSORBED culture will no longer look to books, even if they can find them, because they have been trained on DIGITAL SOURCES for the NEWEST BITE of info.

That population will be EASY to control.

And that is what we are seeing develop. SATAN’S CORRUPT AGENDA, as FROM THE BEGINNING, to CALIBRATE humans with PERVASIVE DECEPTIONS and LIES, both in the WORLD, and in the CHURCH, trying to MERGE RELIGION with the KINGDOM of LIES through alluring DECEPTIONS.

Science Survey 1: San Diego Natural History Museum: Creation vs Evolution:

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