INDIANA SENATOR VANETA BECKER “How are they going to pay the lights”?

1 month ago

Indiana House Representatives, O’Brien, Ledbetter, Burton and Indiana Senator Vaneta Becker attend a round table event at the Warrick County Government Center sponsored by Farm Bureau Cooperative.

The two continuous topics of discussion resonated with 1) Property Taxes and 2)Centerpoint Utility Costs through questions from taxpayers. Warrick, Vanderburgh, and Posey County residents were represented with approximately 50 +\- in attendance.

The legislation discussed were presented by the legislators sponsorship of said bills. None of the proposed bills were requested from constituents to be discussed.

The public’s concern was Property tax reform and utility reform.

Becker publicly announced to Warrick officials her opposition of Braun’s property tax reform and highlighted the need to maintain tax rates to support the schools and “How are they (schools) going to pay the lights”? Her comments continued to not be favorable with Braun’s commitment to expand the school voucher system. It was evident Becker was injecting her “opinion” over the overwhelming consensus of the public to radically reform education, property taxes, and utilities in the Hoosier State.

It was evident that the many comments by constituents did not resonate with Senator Becker to support Governor Braun’s meaningful property tax reform and utility cost savings.

Senator Becker is out of touch with the economy and financial challenges of Hoosiers to sponsor meaningful legislation to address the constituents legitimate concerns.

Each story from the public is very specific and provided suggestions to fix the problem. It is unclear if Becker will capitulate or continue on the trajectory of supporting her lobbyists and donors over the taxpayers.

Becker has retained her position of Government gatekeeper for 43 years; it’s time for new leadership with fresh ideas to solve Hoosier problems.

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