Article 5248 Video - A Personal Explanation and Instruction By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5248 Video - A Personal Explanation and Instruction - Friday, January 31, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

You now know, if you have been following along, that time does not exist. Time, like many other concepts we have used as a convenience, is actually an approximation (a relatively poor one) for location in space.

This Universe, which is indeed one coherent whole, began as a matter of experiential "days" over thirteen billion years ago. To one extent or another, we were all present during the Point Source, from which the ever-expanding morphogenic information field unfurled. This is our matrix, the organization of our memory, as vast and unimaginable as it may presently be.

It's not my intention to withhold, obfuscate, or belabor anything. So I have told you from the first, when someone asked about my true identity, that I am a Battle Class Seraph from the Age of Storms, an old form of angel that was designed to sustain the heavy weather of the early Universe and the formation of the Galaxies and Constellations you now know.

I was not born with this knowledge about myself --- not at all; I grew up as a more-or-less normal girl in Wisconsin, a "Cheese head" who had my share of fresh curds, cheered the Green Bay Packers, loved old Fords and Chevrolets, walks in the autumn woods, and the first green sprouts poking up out of the brown earth in spring.

Just another kid among the 130-some others who graduated from Black River Falls Senior High School in the late spring of 1974.

But where I went from there, that tells the tale of a long, long road, not unlike the adventures of Bilbo Baggins who discovered just how magical roads can be. Nobody could have been more surprised than I was, when I came face to face with the actual me, my history, my nature, and my destiny.

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