Aaron Koenig: Crazy & Wild

1 month ago

Aaron Koenig makes music about spiritual topics that rocks and grooves.

Written and performed by Aaron Koenig
produced by Victoria Villanueva
mastered by Anton Orlov

Camera: Artemio Golovko
Editing: Aaron Koenig

This song is now available on all major streaming platforms: https://orcd.co/crazyandwild

Website: https://aaron-koenig.net
Instagram: aaron_koenig_music
Patreon: / aaronkoenig


The older I get
The more I feel
Like a little boy
Playing with everything
Surfing the waves
And enjoy

The grayer the hair
The bigger the grin
All my wrinkles show
I live life to the full
Only do what I love
Cause I know

The inner child
Likes it crazy and wild
Doesn’t need to behave
Be that child
Do what you crave

The wiser I
Ought to be
The more silly I get
I can hardly stop laughing
About the tight faces
Of the jet set

The inner child
Likes it crazy and wild
Doesn’t need to behave
Be that child
Do what you crave

Forget about your duty
Dive into the beauty of now

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