St. Brigid of Kildare patron St of Ireland who saw God in all creatures #stbrigidsday #saintbrigid

1 month ago

Feast of Saint Brigid’s
An Irish national holiday in honor of the monastic foundress of Kildare, who along with Patrick and Columba, is the patron saint of Ireland. The popular piety of the Irish extols St. Brigid with the epithet “Mary of the Gael,” likening her character to the All-Holy Mother of God

St. Brigid was one of the greatest leaders and evangelists Ireland has known.
She was born in 453 near Dundalk, Ireland, and her parents were baptized by St. Patrick—she grew up hearing the great saint preach.
Her father was an Irish chieftain and her mother was a slave in his court. Brigid had a tender heart and could not bear to see others go hungry or cold, and she would often help them by giving away things that belonged to her father. When he protested, she replied, “Christ dwells in every creature.”

Her most popular symbol in art is a primitive cross made of rushes

St. Brigid of Kildare, patron saint of Ireland who saw God in all creatures—pray for us!

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