Kavanaugh Defender BLASTS Ford Defender! — ‘Don’t Speak to Me Like That!’

6 years ago

That’s when the network’s Amanda Carpenter jumped in, stating Ford “asked for this first.”

“Hold on. Everyone thought she was serious because she went to the members of Congress. She took a polygraph and talked to The Washington Post and then she said I’m willing to testify. So Republicans are perfectly within their rights to say, ‘OK, let’s make this happen in a timely manner,’ and given the threats in this environment, I think it becomes even more important that they reach a speedy resolution.”

Both Kavanaugh and Ford have received death threats within recent days, according to CNN.

“Are you saying that it is in Dr. Ford’s best interest and her safety that Republicans were asking her to testify on Monday?” Sanders asked Carpenter. “That is a bunch of B.S.”

The discussion then became even more heated, Carpenter shooting back with, “Don’t speak to me like that! I’m interested in everyone’s safety. Don’t say I’m spewing B.S.”

“I am going there because the stakes are too high,” Sanders responded, adding that “to assert that Dr. Ford is being treated fairly I think is disingenuous” due to the comments of certain Republicans “disparaging her character” and stating Kavanaugh’s confirmation remained safe in light of the accusation.

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