Stockton ACE station-garbage apocalypse

1 month ago

STOCKTON 2/1/2025: Stockton needs new adjectives to describe itself. Unbelievable and unacceptable might be two good choices. Current situation today between Main and Market Streets and Union and Aurora Streets. The unchecked vagrant population has turned the area into a garbage dump, and it's right in the middle of everything! I mean, we're talking a block from the ACE train station, for crying out loud. A scene of blight caused by the city’s un-checked vagrant population and one that commuters on the train see when passing through or visiting Stockton daily. It's like a garbage apocalypse, and it's not exactly the postcard view you want for the city. Literally garbage as far as the eye can see. And to think, this mess is just blocks away from city hall and the police department. (We've got some real overachievers in district 5, don't we? Just for the record, city council District 5, I'm looking at your fat face.) How long has this hot mess been ignored? And why? And to top it all off, my source on the street taking these pictures today had their vehicle attacked by these easily triggered, violent bottom-feeders. Not uncommon behavior for meth smokers and desperate junkies.
Now the city has an obvious out: the actual property next to the tracks belongs to Union Pacific so it’s not their jurisdiction or the county’s. Well here’s a news flash for both the city and county leadership: you're going to have to come up with a better answer than that. How about using your clout as an elected official, wake up the city attorney and start banging on the doors of Amtrak, Union Pacific, Caltrans and any statewide entity that is providing de-facto sanctuary to a dangerous criminal vagrant population and clear those tracks and freeways or turn over enforcement to local authorities. File lawsuits if you have to because the current status quo just ain’t working. And as long as this blight continues any talk of “re-vitalizing” downtown Stockton is now a laughable joke. There’s some cleaning up to do first. It's like a dystopian movie set right in the heart of downtown, so Stockton. How about we add "surreal" and "mind-boggling" to your list of adjectives? It's a real-life reality show out there!
#Stockton #vagrants #homelessness

Produced By J Man Jack
@jmanjack209 YT-X-FB-Rumble-TikTok

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