i've studied american culture since childhood; it's always been pretty stupid

1 month ago

see: next video hahaha
being in my car is God time
imaginary friends are totally natural "delusions"
you can't cut out the part of them that wants to fit in
just feel sorry for em cos they will never know
at least be open to the thought of change
some days are better than others
that suspicious part of my brain is turned all the way up
schizo affective is yet another made up disorder in order to drug the public
not actual history but they are books (apparently)
ag explains yer avg american "childhood"
commercial after commercial advertising some pharmaceutical
i took some shit thanks to a commercial involving a little ball that supposedly had "depression"
just like every other mf that takes some pills
blahb blahb blahb
they won't believe you.
schizophrenia is its' own religion
being this close to God means we are also this close to His adversary
it's not supposed to be easy
i really hate lotion, it's too slimy
asmr is such a hack art form
now you can get paid to walk around the walmart n tap on shit
the only reason why normies stick around, i'm convinced
one of the perks of being on the outside
i have never taken these people seriously
should i put this on a poster
they have to fake believe what has been make believe
you can't purify centuries of brainwashing
if they knew the truth they'd off themselves
God is the answer n He loves you no matter what
you can keep on hating me, it's fine
voluntarily missing out over here
i ruin it whenever i give myself a compliment
since social media is more important than anything else...
plenty of "christians" that are total cokeheads
this 18yr old kid that worked at sns w/ me overdosed last year
social media is a way worse drug
porn involves sex trafficking
the fake stuff has definitely made people less real
schizophrenia is definitely frowned upon in the west hahaha
red dildo. blue dildo. but you get to choose!

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