Feel Good Friday: start of Secret Santa

1 month ago

Hi friends!
Welcome to Feel Good Friday! If you have any feel good stories for me to check out please send them my way!! I absolutely loved learning this! What an amazing person and an amazing legacy he left behind! It definitely gave me a good feeling, alsoy kod is absolutely adorable in this! I hope you enjoy!

Brows: LYSdefeu 3color Brow palette, billion dollar Brows clear gel
Eyeshadow: Huda beauty ruby obsessions
Eyeliner: handaiyan water activated graphic eyeliner palette
Mascara: MCOBEAUTY waterproof full lash Mascara
Foundation: Morphe Lightform extended hydration foundation in light 03c
Blush: imakeupnow liquid blush in 03
Contour: jouer sunshine bronzer
Powder: it cosmetics your skin but better CC+ airbrush perfecting powder
Lips: NYX lip iv in drippin in rose, The Balm meet Matte Hughes liquid lipstick in devoted





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