Not So Fast Lil Bucky

1 month ago

I was thinking this morning as I was well thinking, and this strange sort of story began to unfold right before my very mind.

Let’s just get it.

I am using a deer, as in four-footed forest creature, as an analogy for how we as Christians might ever so be inclined to instruct God how we think, a God thing should work out, rather than just following His Will and His way in our lives at every commanded turn.

So, there was this deer you see, who didn't like the idea, that every year his horns would fall off and then he would have to grow a new pair the following year. He thought that it was unwise not to have any protection for the antlerless part of the year. So he decided to ask God if instead of letting his horns fall off the in the next following year, if He, God would just allow them to remain. They would just stay on his head and continue to grow through the next year and the next, and so forth and so on. The deer also thought that this would allow him to eventually be the buck of all bucks, because he could walk a strut while the other bucks humbly got along, although at times still acting a little bucky.

God said, “okay Bucky I will allow you to have your desire as you have requested. Too put in in human terms when we run off of the God beaten path He will also give us our desire, a desire we must have, to have run off the God beaten path.

So, the next year comes through and instead of Bucky’s horns falling off they remained on his head. He thought wow this is great because now my horns will have a growing head start a head of all of the other Bucky’s. He reflected on His conversation with God and murmured under his chinny breath, “we all make mistakes oh ye great horn maker of heaven and earth.” Ha

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