2/1/25 let’s pray let’s pray for America.❤️

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We Have Not Gone This Way Before
February 1, 2025 Veronika West

We Have Not Gone This Way Before, for These Are the Days of a Difference!
So I released the following Word in our Prophetic Hub recently.
I have heard these Words over and over again,
“We have not gone this way before … For these are the days of a difference ….
These are the days that will be known as the best and worst of times … A storm is coming … All hands on deck!”
Then a few weeks ago during my Prayer Time I heard the Spirit say, ”Watch! For the Days ahead will be defined by your attendance to The Altar.
I say surely, the Fires of The Altar will be powered by the Sacrifices that I will require of you to prepare before My Presence.
Who will Ascend? Who Will Come Up Higher?
I ask — Who will Attend to The Altars in the days ahead?
Who will become the Keepers of the Flame?
Watch! For My Eyes are Looking to and fro!
Who will prepare the Sacrifice?
Who will Become the Living Sacrifice?
Who will build, rebuild and restore the broken down Altars, for The Fires of My Glory to fall?
And for The Rain of Restoration to come and Redeem the times and seasons?
Listen and pay attention! For I AM now taking My Remnant beyond the Realms of Visions and Dreams in the days ahead…
Watch! As The Altar becomes The Door where My Spirit of Revelation will lead them into the deeper places of radical burning encounters with My Glory — and Divine Visitations with The Burning One — and the all-consuming Fire that will bring them into virgin dimensions of Holy Consecrations — Consecrations that will bring to birth a greater manifestation of My Glory into The Nations of the earth!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

”In 2025… A Stitch in Time will save Nine!”
February 1, 2025 Veronika West

”In 2025… A Stitch in Time will save Nine (9)” — And God’s Prophetic Timeline!”
.So this morning, I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Daughter… Pay Attention!
For Daniel 7… 9 …10 and 11 and Isaiah 11 and 47 will be the Prophetic Timeline for the next Five (5) Years!”
Take Note:
7+9+10+11+11+47‎ = 95 … 9+5 = 14 … (7/7)(1+4) = 5
5 : Grace (5785)… : GRACE GRACE
7: Completion/ Perfection/ Order
“I Say Watch!
For In 2025, My Governing Hand will move to align as a Stitch in Time will Saves Nine (9)!
Yes! A Prayer in Time will save a Nation. A Prayer in Time will bring to Birth a Nation in a Day!
Again I say — Pay Attention!
See! For Signs that this is a Kairos Time — A Divine Reset — through a 47th President — and a Mighty Demonstration of My Power in an 11th Hour, that will Raise up an End-Time Army in the Valley of Dry Bones — and Rivers that shall flow from My Throne that will cause Babylon Empires to fall and the Altars of Baal, crumble!”
2025 : 2+2+5 = 9 : 20+25 = 45 : 4+5 = 9….
2025 : 45 … 9 : — Daniel 9; Prayer of Repentance; A Stitch in Time Saves Nine (9).
45th (9) President — Becomes 47th (An 11th Hour President).
Isaiah 45 — Rise of Cyrus — To Isaiah 47 — Fall of Babylon!
45 (9) – 47 (11) … God Raises up an 11th Hour President at a 9:11 (Kairos Time).
— 9 : Meaning : A Time of Birthing and Judgement.
— 11 : Revelation 11:11 : Both Israel and the Church come into God’s prophetic timeline.
Meaning of 11 : Disorder, imperfection, incompleteness, and judgment, as well as revelation, transition and prophecy!
— Isaiah 11 : The Seven Spirits of God; Spirit and Power of Elijah comes in the 11th hour to Overthrow the Babylonian Systems and Structures.
— 47… 11 : — River of God.
— Isaiah 47 —- The Fall of Babylon.
— Ezekiel 37… 3+7 = 10 : — Divine Order and Realignment; Dry Bones Coming Together as a Mighty Remnant Army Rises in the Nations!
* * * * * * *
Please also see this related Word:
“Exposing the Assignment of Satan Against the Saints“

Exposing the Assignment of Satan Against the Saints
January 22, 2025 Veronika West
Urgent: Exposing the Assignment of Satan against The Saints in this hour!
Pay attention to the Prophetic Timeline!
This morning, I had a brief conversation with one of our faithful and dedicated intercessors in our Nation.
We both expressed our concerns about the ongoing Spiritual Warfare many are facing, particularly in the realms of weariness, tiredness, anxiety, and depression.
The atmosphere around us is heavy with oppression and a pervasive spirit of heaviness — there is much in the way of Satanic Warfare.
Now, as we were talking, The Holy Spirit broke into our conversation and I heard, ”This is a Daniel 7:25moment!”
“… and he shall wear out the saints of the most high.” Daniel 7:25 AMPC.
As many of you know, The Spirit of Revelation speaks much to me through numbers, but immediately my attention was drawn to numbers Seven (7) and Twenty-five (25).
Seven (7) is the number of completion, perfection and divine order.
For me personally, it speaks powerfully to The Seven Spirits of God — The Spirit and Power of Elijah made manifest — The battle of Two Altars rising: the ruling powers of Baal vs The Spirit and Power of Elijah!
Twenty-five (25), I saw as God speaking to the year 20(25) — but also to the new Hebrew Year (5785 = 25) … (55555) … the Season of Grace, Grace!
But then The Holy Spirit began to show to me ‘A Prophetic Timeline’ with the recent inauguration of US President Donald J. Trump and I saw prophetically, that we have crossed a threshold in The Realm of The Spirit.

We have literally stepped through and into a New Door in The Realm of The Spirit — a Door of “War unto Divine Restore” — a Door that will lead us to War for The Destiny of Nations like never before!
I heard these Words: “A Door to Kingdom Reformation and Restoration of Nations!
A Door to a New Era of “The War of Two Altars — the clash of two kings and two kingdoms is now rising”!
The Holy Spirit then shows me that the same ‘demonic assignment(s) of weariness’ that have been unleashed upon The Saints in this hour and season, are the same demonic assignments — the same demonic ruling powers of oppression and persecution — that came against Daniel, and that was over his Nation!
Pay attention!
God shows me, our Prophetic Timeline is; ”Daniel 7:25 …. Daniel 9”!
So, we have entered into a “Daniel 7:25 moment/ time” …. which then leads us to Daniel Nine (9) — Daniel’s Prayer of Repentance for a Nation!
I am shown the increase of demonic assignments against The Saints proceeds the power of Repentance that will bring a Turning and a Returning of Prodigal Nations.
The Holy Spirit shows to me, ”This is what Satan fears…!”
The Clarion Call to Repentance has been released into the atmosphere and over The Nations in The Valley of Decision.
A Righteous Standard has been raised in President Trump returning to power!
The Altar Call of Daniel Nine (9) is the stitch in time that will save a Nation!
Now, as I remained listening, The Spirit of Revelation then says to me, ”The Strategy of Heaven in this hour that will counter the assignment of Daniel 7:25, is found in Hebrews 10:25” …. “and let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another — especially now that the day of His Return is drawing near!”
Ha! The Book of Faith holds the key to breakthrough in this hour, and gives us the strategy for countering the assignment of Satan that comes to weary The Saints.
Prophetic Meaning;
Ten (10) — Divine Order. God is Reordering, Resetting and Realigning Nations!
Twenty-five (25) — 2025 … (5785) = (25)! 55555 … Grace! Grace!
Listen friends, Satan is doing everything he can in this hour to stop our gatherings, to stop our coming together in Unity and One Accord!
Satan knows there is great Power and Authority released when The Ecclesia come together to Legislate and to Declare!
Satan fears our gathering together!
Satan fears the Prayers of Repentance!
Saints, it’s time to gather, to engage and to establish God’s Kingdom in The Nations.
The Kingdom suffers violence — and violent must take it by force!
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12 emphasis added.
Important! The Holy Spirit shows me; the next Twenty-one (21) days and then the next Twenty-one (21) months will be highly contentious in the area of Demonic Warfare — but Angelic Activity and Assistance is about to be seen like never before.
Incredible testimonies of Healing and Miracles — and then a sudden — and greater — breaking through, and a Manifestation of Victory across Nations!
Listen! In the next Twenty-one (21) days and the following Twenty-one (21) months, many will hear The Clarion Call to “take the 21 day Daniel Fast*”… and they will do this corporately and personally as The Spirit leads — and as they obey powerful manifestations of the supernatural will break out.
““But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself” Daniel 1:8.
*The Daniel Fast is abstinence from certain food types for a specific period, usually 21 days. The Fast guidelines derive from Daniel 1:8-14, wherein Daniel and his friends chose to abstain from rich and luxurious foods and only ate vegetables and drank water. The Fast is to focus on simple, plant-based foods and eliminate indulgences from one’s diet.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

America: A Nation on a Collision Course
February 1, 2025 Veronika West
Please Watchmen Take Time to prayerfully Read what I’m putting out!
God is speaking clearly — and giving many warnings of things to come!
Please see both these HKP Word links:
“A Nation on a Collision Course Will See a Sudden Course Correction!“
“America: Prepare for Displacement of Demonic Dominion“
I quote:
” I hear the Words, ”A Nation on a Collision Course, will see a sudden Course Correction! A Nation(s) marked by My Sovereign and Governing Hand!”

Elon Musk
What I will share briefly, is that as I was praying the other day, I was suddenly shown “Twitter”— “X” and The Spirit of Revelation began to speak to me concerning Elon Musk.
Freedom of Speech and something powerful that is going to take place in the days ahead, when there will be a highly coordinated global attack that will effect Computer Technology, that will in turn have a powerful and catastrophic ripple effect on Financial Structures and Systems, that will literally bring Nations to their knees.
Entire Nations — their Leaders and their World Economic Agendas — will be brought down to nothing in one day.
This will further have a catastrophic effect on Buying, Selling, Transport, Shipping and Global distribution of Food, Water and Medical Supplies.
Global chaos will ensue… (I will share more soon)!
I was then shown a great battle raging over The Mountains of Media, Government and Finance.
I saw a Seven-headed Dragon circling The Seven Mountains.
The Ecclesia must arise and begin to Call for the Manifestation of the Power and Authority of The Seven Spirits of God to deal with the Demonic onslaught of the Seven-headed Dragon. (See Revelation 12 — more on this soon!) ”
Please see the First Word I received concerning the Prophetic Significance of the first 2017 Eclipse.
This 2017 Word will give strategic prophetic Insights that will speak to current events!

Warriors — Check out the Washington Monument in the background of this picture!
This immediately caught my attention: God is speaking: and I hear The Spirit say, ”I say — watch the Washington Monument!
Listen! For I shall speak and show you a Sign which shall bring forth a great acceleration and momentum to that which has been prepared for a Nation on a collision course with a severe course correction!”
Photo ©New York Post
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

The Currency is Presence, Not Silver or Gold
February 1, 2025 Veronika West
During a conversation this morning, The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “Tell My People, the currency is My Presence — not silver or gold!
Tell them to Stop trying to buy with silver and gold, what Only My Presence and Power can attain!”
Friends, there are no shortcuts in The Kingdom!
The Currency is Presence — and God is saying, ”Can you not see that your silver and gold can’t buy you anything that will hold?”
“Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have — In the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”” Acts 3:6.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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