The Afflicted One: Yahusha’s Prophetic Cry in Psalm 119

6 hours ago

Could this be spoken prophetically by Yahusha? This passage from Psalm 119:76-80 reflects His obedience, suffering, and trust in Yahuah's righteous decrees. Just as He was afflicted in integrity (Isaiah 53:4-5) and bore false accusations (Matthew 26:59-61), Yahusha found comfort in Yahuah’s word (John 17:17) and delighted in His Turah (Matthew 5:17). The proud sought to pervert Him with lies (Luke 23:2-3), but He remained steadfast in Yahuah’s commands (John 8:28-29). Now, all who fear Yahuah turn to Him (John 10:27-28), for in Him, the witnesses of Yahuah are revealed (Revelation 19:10).
Let your heart be perfect in Yahuah’s laws, so that you are not put to shame (Psalm 119:80).

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