🎵Always Giving Thanks - Ephesians 5:20 /💕Always Give Thanks /

1 month ago


Speak to each other with joy in your voice
Psalms and praises in your heart it's a choice
Lift your spirit let your soul rejoice
Sing to the skies make the angels dance

Thankful hearts with a melody so fine
Every note a blessing every rhythm divine
Grace and mercy we combine
Always Giving Thanks to our lord

Hallelujah, we sing out loud
Grateful people standing proud
In His love we're always found
Always Giving Thanks in a song

From the morning's light to evening's glow
With each breath let praises overflow
Words we share everywhere we go
Echoes of our love for Him

In the storms and in the calm Hold His words like a soothing balm Praise Him in a cheerful psalm Gratitude in every prayer

Hallelujah, we sing out loud
Grateful people standing proud
In His love we're always found
Always giving thanks in a song

🎵 Music & Lyrics Full Rights Registered to Give Hope and Love, LLC.
All Music Rights Reserved.

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