1 month ago

Return to the Avant Garde Project Neun Metro // Metro9, highlighting the remarkable work of Thea von Harbou’s original vision and her collaboration with Austrian filmmaker Fritz Lang.

NEUN METRO (Metropolis) METRO9 stands as a testament to the innovative spirit conjured by novelist Thea von Harbou and produced under them direction of Austrian filmmaker Fritz Lang more than a century ago. It defines number9ine and the Shadowland Project as guardians, of this cinematic odyssey reborn from the ashes of its industrial and dystopian origins. The restoration of this vision breathes new life into a classic film, where technology fell short of Lange's creativity. Newly revitalizing to its original essence with the addition of cutting-edge techniques and mesmerizing effects. The collaboration between these creative powerhouses infuses METRO9 with a contemporary vitality that both honors and transcends its source imagined material.

This restoration is not merely a reorganization of sepia images from the annals of Harbou and Lange's notebooks; it’s a reassembly that highlights the timeless relevance of the novel’s original core messages. METRO9 bridges the gap between past and present, a timeless demonstration that explores the dystopian narrative through hand colorization and operatic overture Lange intended. The as pertinent now as they were at its inception. Through this ambitious project, the collaborative genius behind METRO9 is collaboration and cooperation with multiple restorative professionals and archivists. Ensuring that the film’s original integrity and legacy of innovation inspirit with the trailblaze imagery of Harabou's vison. Neun Metro (Metropolis) METRO9 continues to inspire and challenge viewers in a whole new era at the end of this epoch.

Original 1927 U.S. release Neun Metro (Metropolis) Public Domain Usage
The footage used in our project was sourced from a version of Metropolis made publicly available on the Internet Archive ( Paramount and Moroder versions 1984-85

Public Domain Status in the United States:

Original full U.S. release Metropolis (1927) is in the public domain in the United States for U.S. productions due to its failure to meet copyright renewal requirements under the 1909 U.S. Copyright Act.

Any claims to copyright ownership over the original 1927 film are therefore invalid under U.S. law.

Fair Use Consideration
Even if elements of the footage were subject to copyright, our use qualifies as fair use under U.S. copyright law (17 U.S. Code § 107), as it:

Transforms the Original:
The footage was significantly altered and recontextualized in a creative, transformative manner to highlight the storytelling genius of novelist Thea von Harbou.
Is Non-Competitive:
Our use does not compete with or diminish the value of the original work or its derivatives.
Contributes to Public Benefit:
Our project Return to the Avant Garde Project Neun Metro // Metro9 serves educational, artistic, and cultural purposes, enhancing the public understanding of this classic work.

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